Get the latest on the March 2nd Assembly

Dear John,


Partners Meeting.This Thursday February 15th at 12:30 pm by Zoom.. This virtual meeting is open to all churches, organizations, and individuals who can partner with us to make the March 2nd Mass Poor People's & Low Wage Workers' Assembly in DC a success. Sign up here.


Join this Virtual meeting to:

  • Get the latest on the March 2nd rally.
  • Get information on outreach resources like social media graphics and sample text.
  • Learn about our press conference and Council visits on February 20th.
  • Sign up to get flyers.?
  • Bring your questions. Bring a friend!

And members of your organizations and your friends can sign up now for the DC Mass Poor People's and Low Wage Workers' Assembly on Saturday, March 2 at 10:00 am.


Forward Together, Not One Step Back!


DC Poor People's Campaign Tri-chairs

[email protected]
