From John Ammon <>
Subject Your Daily News Roundup
Date February 13, 2024 1:46 PM
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The Return Of The Zombie Banks [[link removed]]
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Zombies have a prominent place in the world of fiction and movies. There’s the novel “World War Z” by Max Brooks (subtitled “An Oral History of the Zombie War”) and the well-known film by George Romero, “The Night of the Living Dead.”

From these sources, we become acquainted with certain well-established facts about zombies, namely, that it takes a pistol or rifle shot to the head to kill a zombie and that zombies can turn living persons into zombies. For example, in “Night of the Living Dead,” the dead come to life and eat the flesh of the living. This is apparently heart-healthy for the zombies, but not so much for the living, whose wounds become infected, causing them to die and then become zombies themselves.
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Chris J. Krisinger contributor to American Thinker: It’s Super Bowl week, and one of many hyped events now surrounding the game has become the customary media interview with the sitting American president. But President Joe Biden — or, maybe more correctly, his handlers — has passed for the second year in a row on this prime opportunity, this time in an election year, to plug his agenda and record. Before these two years, the annual Super Bowl interview with the president was watched by tens of millions of viewers.

Yuval Noah Harari World Economic Forum acolyte: “If [Donald Trump is elected again], it is likely to be the kind of, like, the death blow to what remains of the global order. And he says it openly. Now, again, it should be clear that many of these politicians, they present a false dichotomy, a false binary vision of the world as if you have to choose between patriotism and globalism, between being loyal to your nation and being loyal to some kind of, I don’t know, global government or whatever.”

Katya Sedgwick contributor to The American Mind: No doubt many Somalians experienced horrible hardship and appreciate the sense of stability and every opportunity America has to offer. But American citizenship is neither a right to be claimed by foreign nationals nor a reward for suffering. We owe it to ourselves to let refugees from far-flung lands whose culture we understand poorly to settle elsewhere.
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What Surprised Tucker Carlson Most About His Putin Interview [[link removed]]

Vladimir Putin said Russia’s war with Ukraine could be “over within a few weeks” if the United States stopped supplying weapons. Until that happens, however, the Russian leader vowed to continue fighting, bluntly telling Tucker Carlson, “We haven’t achieved our aims yet.”

The war, which began in 2014 and escalated with Russia’s invasion in 2022, is currently at a stalemate despite more than $113 billion in U.S. funding and additional aid to Ukraine from its European neighbors. An estimated 500,000 people have died or been injured since 2022, according to news reports.
When Stalin Came to Casa Grande - Part I [[link removed]]

One of the pillars of Stalinism was the attack on individually owned farms and private property, and the forced introduction of collective farming. Stalin himself never came to Casa Grande in Arizona, but his ideas certainly did.

These ideas came to Arizona largely through university professors and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and created the largest agricultural collective in the US as an experiment to test socialist theories about both farming and human nature.
How We Got A Lot Richer [[link removed]]

The Wall Street Journal ran a column on December 4th entitled “Who Got a Lot Richer During the Pandemic.” I read it with great interest and found a gaping hole in the analysis.

The column starts by telling us the pandemic made Americans richer which many might think counterintuitive to reality. After all, 2020 saw many businesses shut down for extended periods at the beginning of the pandemic. Depending on the state in which you live, the period many businesses were shut down was extensive.
BREAKING VIDEO: JD Vance Reveals What’s Hidden in the Ukraine Funding Bill [[link removed]]
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