Office of the Governor (no photo)


February 13, 2024 

Contact: [email protected] 


Gov. Whitmer, Lt. Gov. Gilchrist Statements on the Anniversary of MSU Shooting 


LANSING, Mich. – Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II released the following statements on the one-year anniversary of the shooting on Michigan State University’s campus. 


Governor Whitmer Statement 

A year ago today, every Spartan’s heart broke as our campus was shattered by gun violence.  


Today, let’s lean on each otherit's what we do best. Spartans are strong because we always have each other’s backs. Let's stand united as we remember those we lost, support those who bear scars both seen and unseen from that day, and continue to heal and process together. 


As Governor, I will do what it takes to make every campus in Michigan safe and ensure every student can learn and pursue their potential. We will honor those we lost with action. MSU is a special place that means so much to me and countless Michiganders. It’s home. It always will be.”  


Lieutenant Governor Gilchrist Statement  

One year after the tragic loss of life our community experienced, we continue to honor the lives of the three Spartans who were taken from us and wrap our arms around the countless other students who were affected by this tragic act.  


School should be a place of learning and opportunity, not a place of fear. No parent should be afraid to send their child to school. No student should be afraid to enter a classroom. We must support common sense gun laws to restore a common sense of peace.  


Our hearts are with MSU today and every day. Let us stand with the students, families, and friends who are all still grieving the immense loss to our community. Let us continue working together to ensure that no student, parent, or Michigander has to endure a tragedy like this. 




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