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Breaking News: District closes all
non-essential businesses beginning tonight at 10
pm! Beginning tonight at 10 pm, the District will close all
businesses deemed "non-essential." This is an incredibly hard thing to
ask of so many of our favorite businesses that literally make up the
fabric of what we love about our neighborhoods — but it is also the
right thing to do. It’s a sacrifice that is being asked of many of our
neighbors who pour their sweat and passion into creating great local
shops that give us so much. It’s also a sacrifice being born by that
friendly face behind the counter, stocking the shelves, or answering
your questions who likely just lost their job. And that may even be
you, as you read this email. If you are a Ward 6 business owner or
employee or want to stay plugged in, we're
building a separate mailing list here you can join to share updates or
organize around.
To eventually curb this crisis that is still building in our
communities, it is an unfortunate but necessary step. But I'm also
very concerned and working hard on actions we can take now to help our
local businesses survive - even if in a reduced capacity for the next
few months - to help them rebuild and rebound when the recovery
begins. And we all have a role to play in this as well. Please check
on your favorite stores and consider making a purchase with them
online, on the phone, or via a delivery or carry out. Try skipping
Amazon for a week or two, and keep your dollars local. Now more than
ever, they need you.
Let me turn to another direct ask I have of you because so many
others are making sacrifices, and that means we all need to as well.
There may not be a formal Stay-At-Home Order in place, and I
may not be able to order you to do so, but please, in the strongest
terms I can possibly ask, please stay home as much as you
can. I realize it's challenging for many (and I promise, it
is for me too!). But keep in mind that for others, it is critically
important that you do so. Already, neighbors around Ward 6 are testing
positive or have been exposed and quarantined - children, young
adults, parents, and seniors.
When we stay home, we aren't just protecting ourselves. We are
helping those with compromised immune systems. We're staying home to
protect our neighbors who are keeping the District's support networks
running -- the nurses and doctors and technicians in our hospitals,
our firefighters and police officers. But also, the people re-stocking
our grocery stores. The people keeping our water treatment facilities,
power plants, and other critical infrastructure running. So many
people, and their families, are depending on you to stay home as much
as you can.
Of course, you’re not trapped in your home. But, please, only head
out for urgent needs like going to the grocery store or pharmacy, or
to stretch your legs, walk the dog, or get some exercise. You can take
a walk in the park or grab something for dinner, but when you do, you
must practice social distancing. What you can’t do right now is hold
that barbecue, invite someone over to have dinner, or meet up to play
a game with friends. These things will have to wait. Because the
challenge, we know, is that even while everyone might feel healthy
that day, the symptoms might show up later and the coronavirus has
already spread.
Remember, the goal of "flatten the curve" is to reduce the
strain on our hospitals and health care system by slowing the
The fewer people out and about, the safer it is for everyone else
who has to be out there. Please, please, take seriously
efforts to flatten the curve and keep people out of the hospital. The
measures to close restaurants and bars and other spaces is a hard
sacrifice to have made. Let's make it worth it to the many service
industry professionals and small and local businesses who are hurting
right now. The sooner we get through this spike, the sooner we can
evaluate our path forward.
To centralize information on meals for seniors and
students, groceries, filing for unemployment, transportation changes,
and more, I've set up a landing page on my website with the
updates: http://www.charlesallenward6.com/covid_19_info
I'll quickly flag a few calendar items:
First, today was supposed to be the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall. That
has been postponed until we're ready to start planning for the budget.
I'll circle back with information when we have it.
This Thursday at 10 am, I'll once again hold a
Virtual Field Trip for students live on Facebook.
(Pssst... parents, I know scheduling activities every day is very
hard, so hopefully this is at least 30 minutes of remote learning
time!) The theme for this week is borrowing from Mr. Rogers to ask,
"Who are the Helpers in Your Neighborhood?" Last week's chat was
really great and I'd love to have you and your children join us again.
You and your young one can ask any question they’d like, or also feel
free to share what you’re thinking about who the helpers are in your
community. If you send an email question or comment during the event,
I’ll try to give each kid a “shout out” for writing in and I'll try to
take as many questions as I can. And hopefully, Cora will join me!
Second, this Friday at 5 pm, let's do another Ward
6 Happy Hour! Last Friday, we started trending
on Twitter as many Ward 6 neighbors ended the work week stepping
out on the front porch, balcony, stoop, or front door to safely say hi
to neighbors. I think this is a really important tradition for us to
have right now, given how much time we are all spending isolated.
Share a photo of your Ward 6 Happy Hour using (#Ward6HH) and let's
bring our community together online. Plus, it's always nice to have
something to look forward to.
Let me run through some other updates and key information:
Small Business Grants Available: Last
week the Council passed emergency legislation to begin handling the
fallout from coronavirus's spread in the District. That included
expanded eligibility for unemployment insurance and small business
grants. Yesterday, the Small Business Microgrant Program began
accepting applications through March 31st to distribute $25 million to
small and local businesses and nonprofits. Check out the graphic to
the right for some information.
Unemployment Insurance Challenges: I've heard from
a few residents that signing up for the expanded unemployment
insurance has been challenging. There's been a big increase, as
expected, in the number of applications the Department of Employment
Services is trying to process. If you've been calling, try the web
application, which runs best in Internet Explorer on a desktop or
laptop. And please ignore any prompts warning
about a rejection based on work search requirements. DOES is
working with the vendor to fix this, but your application was
received! If you're having a hard time, contact my Constituent
Services team for help. We're trying to connect people as quickly
as possible.
Testing and Coronavirus Update
Let's talk about testing for a moment, and why it is so important,
even as the spread of the coronavirus continues. As I mentioned in my
last email, we are seeing the number of positive cases dramatically
increase locally and across the US as test results come back and more
testing comes online. You can see the daily
total of cases here. While I know this is alarming, remember we've
known for weeks this was coming and we are not near the apex of this
crisis yet. Testing continues to be critical as it informs every other
step we take. It helps individuals know to isolate. It helps doctors
know the precautions to take with patients. It helps us react to
geographic outbreaks. The key now is to get thousands more tests going
each day.
Related: Children's National offering drive-thru testing with a
referral from a physician this weekend for children. Learn
more here.
FYI - Mayor Bowser will be holding daily media briefings available
online at 11 am if you want to hear the latest. You can watch on
Channel 16 or through
this link.
Reconnecting Disconnected Utilities for Ward 6
Residents: Both DC Water and Pepco have announced efforts to
re-connect customers who had been disconnected recently due to
inability to pay. This is great news we need to share with neighbors
who might be struggling.
- Here's what you need
to do know for DC Water: DC Water will begin restoring
service tomorrow morning upon request. Customers whose water was shut
off should email [email protected] or can
call DC Water at 202-354-3750 starting Monday at 8 am. Customers
requesting restored service can leave a message and DC Water will
return their call.
- For Pepco: While the company has already suspended all
disconnections through at least May 1, residents who have had their
electric service previously disconnected should contact the company at
202-833-7500 to begin the reconnection process.
Need Health Insurance? Enrollment Re-Opened: The
DC Health Exchange, our local health marketplace, has allowed
residents who are uninsured to sign-up for a health insurance plan. Learn
more here or call (855) 532-5465 / TTY: 711.
Federal and Local Tax Deadline Extended to July
15: In order to match the new federal tax deadline, the Mayor
and Chief Financial Officer have moved back the tax deadline for local
District residents to July 15. Residents are strongly encouraged to
e-file. For questions, call Office of Tax and Revenue's customer
service line: (202) 727-4TAX
Schools Update - Distance Learning is
Underway! Beginning today, our public schools are engaging in
distance learning. Resources for your DCPS student can be found
here: https://dcps.instructure.com/courses/179580/pages/learners.
Charter school students should check with their school leadership for
distance learning instructions.
Second, I just want to make sure every
parent saw that the Mayor has pushed back a potential return to school
date until Monday, April 27. It’s not a surprise to many parents, and
as a public school parent myself, I wouldn’t be surprised if that date
moves back again. But the daily meals offered to students will
continue as long as schools are closed. As a reminder, click the
graphic to the right to see the Ward 6 locations serving daily meals
for students.
DMV, DCRA, and DDOT Closing In-Person Visits: In
an effort to further reduce the risk of exposure, starting tomorrow,
March 25, three DC agencies will move entirely to online customer
service - the Department of Transportation, the Department of Consumer
and Regulatory Affairs, and the Department
of Motor Vehicles. More
information here from WAMU. Remember, the DMV has already extended
the deadline for all renewals and fines due between March 1-April 28
until May 15.
DPR Facilities Closed: All DPR facilities,
playgrounds, and gated facilities are CLOSED and scheduled to reopen
on Monday, April 27. Dog parks, skate parks, trails and open green
spaces remain open during normal hours. During this time, practice
social distancing, and as much as possible, just stay home. Seriously,
I see you all in the dog park. Spread out or take your dog for a solo
walk. Please!
WMATA Station Closures: Starting today, Wednesday,
March 25, WMATA
will be fully closing 17 stations and partially closing others to
ensure adequate staffing. Here's the list:
Station Closures
- Federal Center SW
- Mt. Vernon Sq*
- Judiciary Square
- Federal Triangle
- Archives Navy Memorial
- Smithsonian
- Arlington Cemetery
- Greensboro
- Eisenhower
- Virginia Square
- Cleveland Park
- Grosvenor-Strathmore
- Cheverly
- Clarendon
- East Falls Church
- College Park – UMD
- McLean
- Morgan Boulevard
- Van Dorn St
Partial Entrance Closure:
Anacostia North 2. Farragut North / L & Conn S 3.
Dupont Circle / 19th St 4. Metro Center South / 12 &
F 5. King Street--Old Town / North 6. Ronald Reagan
Washington National Airport / North 7. U Street--African
American Civil War Memorial--Cardozo / U & VT 8. Gallery
Place--Chinatown / 9 & G 9. L'Enfant Plaza East / (US
DOT/Constitution Center) 10. Friendship Heights, S (Jennifer
Support Local Restaurants with Takeout or
Delivery: Nearly every local BID or Main Street program is
running a list of businesses in that neighborhood offering takeout or
delivery. Our restaurant industry was one of the first to take a huge
hit from social distancing. As much as you can, try to support them by
buying gift cards for future use or ordering online!
Vernon Triangle Restaurant Listings Capitol
Riverfront Shaw H
Street Barracks
Row Restaurants Eastern
Market - Capitol Hill The
Volunteer Medical Corps -
The District government has launched another volunteer
effort, this one focused on training volunteers to provide basic
medical support during the expected surge in healthcare needs. Here's
more information on if this might be a good fit for you. I will
also plug that the American Red Cross is putting out a call for
healthy donors who can step up. As you can imagine, a lot of blood
drives have been cancelled.
See you on the front porch on Friday
at 5 pm for #Ward6HH!
Charles Allen
