Keep up the pressure on our elected officials to do everything in their power to end the humanitarian crisis and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza.
Since the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas, the Israeli military has led an all-out siege on Gaza, resulting in the deaths of more than 26,000 Palestinians, with over 65,000 injured and many more missing. According to Oxfam, the daily death rate in Gaza is higher than any other major 21st-century conflict.
The only way to prevent more loss of innocent life is through an immediate, permanent ceasefire. Add your name to our petition to show your support for a ceasefire and release of all hostages NOW →
For months, the world has witnessed Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration carry out carpet bombing across Gaza — including targeting hospitals, schools, and refugee camps — indiscriminately harming civilians while blocking food, clean water, medical supplies, and other aid from entering the Gaza Strip.
The situation grows more dire with each day that passes, and groups like Doctors Without Borders and the World Food Programme warn that a ceasefire is the only way to stop the famine and mass suffering
According to Data for Progress, a majority of voters — almost 80% of Democrats and 60% of all likely voters — support a ceasefire, but only 12% of Congress has joined the call.
Keep up the pressure on our elected officials to stand on the right side of history and do everything in their power to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza: sign our petition today.
— LeftNet