
With only four seats separating control in the House, our race is in the national spotlight.

Republicans have marked CA-47 as their top target – if they flip this seat red, our Democratic priorities from protecting abortion to health care to our environment could crumble.

Meanwhile, Joanna is running a completely grassroots, people-powered campaign. She’s the only candidate who hasn’t accepted a dime of corporate PAC money, because she’s running to represent our community in Congress, not special interest groups.

We’re relying on your support today to keep our strong momentum ahead of our March 5th primary. Will you chip in $3 or any amount to fund our voter outreach efforts to reach undecided voters? We’re a target, and we can’t afford to fail.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$10 $35
$50 $100
$250 OTHER

Thank you,

Team Joanna Weiss