Tell domestic workers you care this Valentine's Day.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

John — Valentine’s Day is a day to show how much we care for those in our lives. It’s a chance to pause in our busy lives, give gratitude, and make someone feel special.

Nannies, housecleaners, and care workers bring boundless care and love into our homes and families, but their essential work often goes unrecognized and undervalued.

This Valentine's Day, we have a beautiful way to change that, and to honor their dedication.

Will you join us in signing our massive Valentine's Day eCard to show love and appreciation for domestic workers? We'll make sure your message is shared with our domestic worker members in a text message on Valentine’s Day!

Sign the eCard →

Tell Domestic Workers You Care This Valentine's Day!

Domestic workers deserve more than just our thanks; they deserve fair wages, safe working conditions, and recognition for the crucial work they do every day.

But despite tireless organizing efforts, Congress has not yet provided the recognition and support they deserve. So, we’re pushing as hard as we can to get domestic workers the rights and wages they deserve through advocacy, culture change, and media pressure.

But as important as these strategies are, so is stopping and showing gratitude and appreciation. These moments of reflection and connection remind us that we're all in this fight together, no matter how tough it gets.

There are only two days left until we send out the Valentine's eCard to domestic workers. Add your name now to join this nationwide demonstration of appreciation, and we'll ensure your message is shared with domestic workers in a text message on Valentine’s Day.

Sign the eCard →

Thank you for your support and for standing with us to recognize the incredible contributions of domestic workers.

With love and appreciation,

Care Team
National Domestic Workers Alliance

Thank you for being a dedicated supporter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance!

We're working day and night to win respect, recognition, and labor rights and protections for the more than 2.5 million nannies, house cleaners, and homecare workers.

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Dignity, Unity, Power

The majority of domestic workers sit at the center of some of our nation’s most decisive issues because of who they are and what they do: they are women – mostly women of color, immigrants, mothers, and low-wage workers. They are impacted by almost every policy affecting the future of our economy, democracy and country.

Domestic workers can lead us toward a new, inclusive vision for the future for all of us -- and your grassroots support is the fuel that can get us there.

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