Episode 189 uploaded February 11: Sam Goldman talks with historian, activist and editorial board
member Paul Street about the coming year and his take on all the wild
things happening as well as to come.

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Paul Street: They want to remove any political opposition whatsoever. This thing in 2016, where Trump was sort of pinching himself and couldn't believe he was elected and was sort of astonished that he was able to have all these kinds of establishment Republican and some centrist types of policy wonks, and experts and generals and so forth around him. That's over. This time that's done. It's like you must be obedient to the Dear Leader or you're not on this team. And they're drawing up huge plans to make sure that's the case, as well as huge plans for deportations, for full-on eco-fascism, for taking over the military.
Sam Goldman: Trump can win, fascism can seize and consolidate power. But the operative word here is can.
That doesn't mean that it is inevitable. The future is unwritten. Which
one we get is up to us. Right now: share this podcast with 1, 5 or 5000
people you know. Because we can do every little thing in our power to escape reality. Or we can take action to wake people up to this
reality. We can keep the peace with fascists and enablers and cowards
and people who can't find it in themselves to give a damn. Or we
can build up strong communities among people who share our values, who
together recognize the threat of 21st century fascism, who encourage
each other to take action to change the course of history.
It's up to
all of us.
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