In his book, Leftism, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn speaks of what, in Russia, filled those cavities when he wrote:
In the case of Russia it was the small, evil glow of communism that lit up the entire dark void.
Just before telling us about the destruction of a nations memory, its statues, and monuments, he states:
The road leading to the Hell of leftist radicalism is not only broad, it is also fast and steep. Under such circumstances the brakes rarely work.
In his book, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, Cardinal Henri de Lubac writes:
Beneath the numerous surface-currents which carry contemporary thought in every direction, it seems possible to detect a deep under-current, an immense drift; the peoples of the West are denying their Christian past and turning away from God. It is antitheism, antichristianism. It is the rejection of God which results in the annihilation of the human person.
He then speaks of the great novelist Dostoevsky:
Dostoevsky made one profoundly important social truth clear: man cannot organize the world for himself without God; without God he can only organize the world against man.