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Bills To Watch & Add YOUR Testimony

See the instructions below on how to create an account so you can testify. These bills are urgent. Share with everyone you know who are them inf need be to have them submit testimony.
Urgent!!! Testimony Due MONDAY 2-12-24 | 10 am

Hawai’i lawmakers are attempting to violate our 1st Amendment rights AGAIN!
SB2702 completely distorts and twists the definition of election fraud by adding a new totally illegitimate section on “intimidation”, and broadening the already existing Hawaii law on election fraud to now include photography in public places and carrying of firearms.

This is the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) definition of Election Fraud: “The misrepresentation or alteration of the true results of an election”.

WHERE in the definition of election fraud is there anything about intimidation?? Nowhere of course.

Testimony is due Monday 10 am, the hearing notice was posted Friday at 5:30 pm-they pulled a sneaky move to get this in under our noses.

Submit testimony TODAY in opposition to SB2702. (bill here) 
Glossary of terms (here)
Learn how to submit testimony to legislators: Video
OPPOSE SB 3196 (This is a bad one) Hearing is 2/14/24
They want to ban all semi autos, including any spare parts, and anything that attaches to it. Plus it bans transfers, sales, to anyone it the state. Spread the word to every gun owner you know. Every section of this bill violates Article 1 section 17 State Constitution and the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution...(bill Here)
A very ominous gun ban bill, Senate Bill 3196,  will have a hearing on February 14 at the State Capitol, Conference Room 225. It will also be video conferenced.
It is important that you need to read this bill to be able to fully recognize just how bad it is. The list of firearms banned by the bill is very detailed and extensive and includes pistols, rifles and shotguns.
If this bill passes, a huge number of currently legal firearms will be made unownable in Hawaii. .
Every gun owner in Hawaii needs to read this bill and attend this hearing and/or  submit testimony strongly opposing this bill.
Please go to the Hawaii Legislature Web Site to get detailed information regarding the bill.
Learn how to submit testimony to legislators: Video
Written Testimony only. Oppose by Monday, 10am Feb 12, 2024
  1. ERIC had a partisan and deceitful start.
  2. ERIC hides itself from the public view
  3. ERIC is dishonest about its purpose.
  4. ERIC is run by partisan, left-wing activists
  5. ERIC violates federal law
  6. ERIC unlawfully shares private citizen data with private sector third party voter registration groups.
  7. ERIC does not clean up voter rolls
  8. ERIC unlawfully shares private data of minor children and non-citizens
  9. ERIC forces taxpayers to pay for the violation of their own privacy
  10. ERIC member states do not perform voter roll maintenance as well as
  11. non-member states
  12. ERIC will not reveal its partners
The answer to ERIC? States are given the right – and responsibility - under the U.S.Constitution to set election laws and procedures. This right was granted to empower states to protect the voting rights and privacy of their own citizens. Clean, accurate voter rolls are solely the product of state and local election officials’ commitment to
consistently doing list maintenance with existing tools and resources.
Read about "The Dirty Dozen" Here
The report & analysis of ERIC by Verity Vote can be found (here)
Bill Here
Learn how to submit testimony to legislators: Video
See below on how to open an account and submit testimony

Hawaii State Legislature...

How to submit testimony (video)

Go here and create an account.
(Keep your log-in handy for ongoing testifying)
Once you have an account, you can:
Read the Bills,
Submit Testimony,
Get Hearing Notifications
(subscribe by committee)
Contact info for your legislators...

State Capitol Building
415 South Beretania Street
Conference Room 016 & Video Conference
Important Links
Elections 2024
  • Candidate Recruitment - Our Vice Chair of Candidate Recruitment and Training Teri Savaiinaea is actively recruiting for the 2024 elections, submit the name of a potential candidate HERE.
  • Election Integrity - Want to learn more about our election integrity efforts, join our Election Integrity Committee weekly meetings by contacting Adriel Lam at [email protected].
  • Volunteer - To be a State Counting Center Official Observer complete the Office of Elections volunteer intake form. 

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