From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Webinar [3/26]: Reps Chu and Garcia discuss the hatred fueled by Covid-19
Date March 25, 2020 1:58 PM
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Dear John,

I hope you and yours are holding up well during the unprecedented challenges caused by Covid-19 &mdash; challenges to us all, as well as to the world around us.

This Thursday, March 26 at 2:30 PM ET/11:30 AM PT, ADL is offering our second webinar in the Fighting Hate from Home series to help unite and inform our community.
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We invite you to sign up now.

We are honored to be joined this week by Rep. Judy Chu, chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and Rep Sylvia Garcia, a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. We will dive into how scapegoating and hate-mongering are surging during this dangerous and unsettling time, as we have seen Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, immigrants and other minority communities blamed for the pandemic.

Rep. Chu has long been a leader in the Asian Pacific American community&rsquo;s struggle to head off xenophobia and violence that can have dangerous real-world repercussions. Rep. Garcia, whose Houston community has large Asian and Hispanic populations, has pushed back against unfounded accusations that migrants are to blame for bringing the coronavirus into the United States.

Fighting Hate from Home Webinar Details:

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&ldquo;The Danger to Minority Groups Due to Coronavirus-fueled Xenophobia and Violence&rdquo;

Thursday, March 26

2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 MT / 11:30 AM PT

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Join the Webinar

I will interview Rep. Chu and Rep. Garcia about these dangers, how they are being fed by the spread of the virus and the anxiety it fuels, and how we can all take action against this hate. You can ask questions for all three of us in the webinar&rsquo;s chat tool.

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Please sign up now and join us on Thursday.

You may also be interested in reading
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my recent column with Andrew Yang about the unique threat that Covid-19 presents to minority communities.

Highlights from Last Week

During the 3/19 webinar, I talked with Oren Segal, who leads ADL&rsquo;s Center on Extremism. Oren shared alarming virus-related messages that have been spreading antisemitism and racism on fringe social media platforms and spilling over into mainstream online channels. We also fielded questions about your concerns in this challenging time.
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View the full webinar. Recordings of all webinars in the series will be available after their live session via
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our YouTube playlist.

What&rsquo;s Coming Up?

On each upcoming Thursday, ADL will be bringing you Fighting Hate from Home discussions with our team of experts and authorities from around the world. Future topics will include the overlap between Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism, this year&rsquo;s unique Passover family discussions, and other issues that will help the ADL community make sure that hate finds no footholds during this time of crisis.

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Sign Up Now for the Webinar

Stay well, wash your hands, and thank you for supporting ADL, and for standing up against extremism.

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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