From Nancy Pelosi <>
Subject Your Membership Status:
Date February 11, 2024 6:45 PM
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I just opened my 2024 Democratic Membership Drive earlier than EVER before. This is my very FIRST Democratic Membership Drive of the year, and I’m hoping you’ll help me make it the BIGGEST in Democratic history. Democrats are working tirelessly to defend our Democratic progress and shut down Republicans’ extremist, MAGA agenda. Now, we MUST build an unbeatable foundation of 2024 Team Pelosi Members to ensure we have the resources to hand Republicans an undeniable defeat. It would mean so much to me if you could confirm your Membership by End of Week Deadline at midnight and become one of my FIRST 2024 Team Pelosi Members >> [[link removed]]

ID: 131310698
SUGGESTED DONATION: $15 >> [[link removed]]

I need to tell you what’s at stake:

— Republicans have a razor-thin FOUR-SEAT Majority in the House.

— Democrats only need to flip FOUR SEATS to take back the House.

— And now, top elections forecasters just called the race a complete TOSS-UP.

But, I have a plan to make Trump and his fellow extremist Republicans’ plan completely BACKFIRE.

I just opened my 2024 Team Pelosi Membership Drive earlier than EVER before. If 1,274 Democrats confirm their Memberships before my End of Week Deadline at midnight, we’ll have the resources to shut down Republicans' SCHEME to expand their House Majority and cement their Extremist MAGA Majority for the rest of our lives. This is my first Membership Drive of the year, and I’m hoping you’ll help me make it the biggest ever, because our work to reclaim our precious House Majority is the most important goal of 2024. Will you chip in any amount? I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me to see your name on my list of early Democratic Members >> [[link removed]]

Chip in $15 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $25 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $50 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in $100 now >> [[link removed]]
Chip in another amount >> [[link removed]]

Thank you,

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Nancy Pelosi's PAC to the Future is focused on electing a powerful slate of progressive champions up and down the ballot.

Nancy is working tirelessly to undo Trump and Republicans' horrific damage, but she can't do this alone. Can she count on your help to ensure Democrats WIN?

DONATE [[link removed]]

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