From James Carville <[email protected]>
Date February 11, 2024 4:08 PM
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John, it’s James Carville, and I need Democrats to pay attention:

With less than 300 days until the election, brand new polls are showing Republicans GAINING in must-win states like Montana and Ohio. Now, one election forecast gives Republicans a 56.7% chance of flipping the Senate.

I’m not going to mince words, John — I’m TERRIFIED.

Our Senate majority is hanging on by a thread, and Mitch McConnell’s cronies are going to spend every last dollar to take back the Senate. Republicans are attacking our Democratic candidates on the airwaves, and the neck-and-neck polls show that it’s WORKING.

Losing ANY more ground could spell trouble for November. We need Democrats to respond.

I told my friends at Defend the Senate that we could recruit 10,000 first-time donors to respond to this news — so I’m hoping you can step up to help today.Can I count on you to give $10 to Defend the Senate before their FIRST mid-quarter deadline of 2024 on Thursday? Your donations will help them invest in swing races across the country and defend our Senate majority. [[link removed]]

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I’ve been in politics for a long time, John — so I know when to sound the alarm. Let’s do EVERYTHING we can to keep the Senate out of Mitch McConnell’s hands.

— James Carville

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