Dear friends,
At a time when millions of people across the world are concerned about food supplies and the ability of our health systems to respond to crisis, Yemen must not be forgotten.
Today marks five years since a Saudi-Arabian led coalition began bombing Yemen – five years in which Yemen's health system has "almost collapsed."
Yemen has no recorded cases of Covid-19 yet, but it is already enduring a humanitarian catastrophe with millions facing starvation and disease.
This is a man-made catastrophe. As Yemeni-based Mwatana for Human Rights show: "This state of affairs is not an arbitrary consequence of war. It is the direct result of how the conflict has been prosecuted by warring parties: with utter disregard for international law and humanitarian norms."
Attacks by the Saudi-led coalition have destroyed infrastructure across Yemen. Saudi forces have targeted hospitals, clinics and vaccinations centres. Blockades have starved the population and made it hard for hospitals to get essential medical supplies.
The UK is complicit: many of the Coalition’s attacks have been carried out with UK-made fighter jets, and UK-made bombs and missiles – and the UK government has supported them with billions of pounds of arms sales.
The same is true of companies and governments across Europe. This is why we have been working with allies from all over the continent to show how this war is "Made in Europe."
We can't protest in person today – but we can still stand together in solidarity and resistance.
Can you add your voice online?
Now, more than ever, it is time to promote peace, not profit from war.
In solidarity,
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Campaign Against Arms Trade
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