![]() Patriot, Campaign for Liberty is fighting non-stop to prevent the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the “digital dollar” that will track your every purchase and could be confiscated from you at a bureaucrat’s keystroke. Over the past year alone, we have sent tens of thousands of your directives to Congress, some in opposition to the creation of a CBDC, and others in support of legislation that would BAN the Central Bank Digital Currency entirely, such as S. 967 in the Senate. But Campaign for Liberty isn’t just fighting the CBDC in Washington, D.C. We’ve been fighting the CBDC all across America, working to pass state legislation as well. The states, through their “legal tender” laws, can fight back against this authoritarian threat to your hard-earned money and liberty. In some states, we’re moving forward legislation to exclude Central Bank Digital Currency from the definition of legal tender – to ensure no public or private entity can compel you to use it. In other states, we have bill sponsors going even farther, doing that and also expressly prohibiting its usage in any and all state government transactions. And I don’t just mean a few states here and there. Campaign for Liberty is already working on legislation moving in Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsin. And that’s not all: Indiana is in the works, and some states are still filing legislation for the year. Thanks to your generous support, Campaign for Liberty has grassroots activists in all of these states, fighting to stop the implementation of Surveillance State Currency the Deep State so desperately wants to impose upon us. But there’s much more to be done. With your generous contribution today, we can build our program in both size and depth: to launch in even more states and increase the pressure. All of this organization and mobilization isn’t easy, or cheap. That’s why I’m asking you dig deep today and make a most generous contribution . . . $100, $200, $500 or more . . . your support goes a long way in these battles. Even if that is asking a lot right now, every bit you can chip in will help. Remember, once the Central Bank Digital Currency is implemented, the government itself will be able to cut out the middleman and target and strip you of the basic right to engage in commerce. The Fed wants your money, your job, and your speech under their control. We’ve warned the globalist agenda is coming for your freedom. The “Great Reset” agenda is opposed to freedom itself, and we’re seeing it wreck Europe in real time. Of course, the European Central Bank is also accelerating research and development of a “digital euro.” It’s all part of the same globalist scheme. They’ll tell you it’s no big deal unless you have something to hide. That's no surprise. The Big Government statists LOVE this scheme to expand their RAW POWER over your life and liberty. You don't have to connect many dots to see it. That’s why your support is so critical. We can only go as big as our grassroots support allows—and your support today will determine what that will be. I’d like to go after legislation in all fifty states, but we can only do what our resources allow. Patriot, your contribution of $100, $200, $500, or what you can afford will allow us to expand our reach to expose more of these derelict representatives. Please support our efforts today! Over the years, Campaign for Liberty has punched back above our weight against statist lawmakers, holding the line against CBDC despite the full lobbying force of the globalist agenda behind it. We’ve gone after politicians’ bad records on gun rights, the government take-over of health care (ObamaCare), votes to raise taxes, and much more. We need to keep up – and even expand – our state operations to defeat the Central Bank Digital Currency. But we cannot do it without your support. If you can make a most generous contribution of $500, $250, or $100, or even if you can only chip $50 or just $25 to help today, please do so – every bit makes a difference. For liberty, ![]() Ron Paul P.S. It may be their most Orwellian scheme yet – the global elites, Big Government authoritarians, and the banksters at the Federal Reserve are linking arms to impose a Central Bank Digital Currency and force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar." We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on! We’re fighting the CBDC on all fronts – in Washington and in state capitals. If you can, please make your most generous contribution right now to help us defend what little financial freedom and privacy we still have! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |