Join us for a free, family-friendly event supporting bird conservation.
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National Audubon Society
House Finch and Northern Cardinal.
Have 15 minutes to spare for the birds?
Join us for the 27th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) from Friday, February 16, through Monday, February 19, 2024.

Bird and nature lovers everywhere, of all skill levels and all abilities, unite in the effort to tally as many of the world's bird species as possible over these four days. Find a group count near you with our community map, or get out and count on your own or with friends!

Combined with other bird counts, GBBC results help create a clearer picture of how birds are faring—whether individual species are declining, increasing, or holding steady in the face of habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.
Get Involved
Tune into our special webinar on Tuesday, February 13 with project coordinators from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon, and Birds Canada or keep reading to learn how to participate in this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count. 
Register for the Webinar
House Finch and Northern Cardinal. Photo: Michele Black/Great Backyard Bird Count
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