From Grassroots Government 🌱 <[email protected]>
Subject ▶️: How Was the Money Spent?
Date February 10, 2024 6:31 PM
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a **No Dem********Left Behind** project

How Was the Money Spent?

The **American Rescue Plan Act** (ARPA) has been an incredible power for good in rural communities. This critical infrastructure act has distributed funds directly to counties, with over $7.5 billion provided to rural counties with populations under 50,000.


Connecticut recently used ARPA funds to forgive medical debt, with the state planning to erase $1 billion in medical debt this year. It's truly incredible how much of a difference federal funds can make when they are implemented smartly and strategically. 


Local county governments have been able to use their funds for the needs of their communities. **Many counties have chosen to build out broadband infrastructure, improve schooling and housing, and respond to climate change by funding disaster relief. Watch the video below to find out more:**

**But some counties feel these causes aren’t worthy, and are happy to just let the money sit for a "rainy day!"** This delay comes at a crucial moment when the country is economically recovering from Covid and dealing with new environmental challenges.


In response, No Dem Left Behind is launching ***Grassroots Government***, a resource to help you see how your county is using its federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.


Local government is more important than ever now that ARPA has provided billions to our communities. **Hold your government to account, bottom up, and donate to No Dem Left Behind to keep up this vital work ➡️**

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How the money was spent in your county? Reach out and let us help you find out!

**Research Team**
Grassroots Government
No Dem Left Behind PAC

🌱 *Grassroots****Government* 🌱
No Dem Left Behind PAC

80M St. SE Suite 100
Washington D.C. 20003

Paid for by No Dem Left Behind PAC.
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate's committee.

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