We have an early opportunity to start rebuilding our trifecta Indivisibles,
I don’t write a ton of fundraising emails, but this is one of them.
This is not a “GIVE NOW OR WE’LL LOSE” kind of email. I know those clog your inbox -- they clog mine. I hate them -- even if they’re from politicians or organizations I respect. They might succeed in getting some people to open their wallets out of fear, but they turn off just as many people from engaging in the political process at all. So I don’t write those, and Indivisible doesn’t send them.
Can I be honest? When we started Indivisible, I hated asking for money. I was so burned by the grifters and doomsayers that bombard me daily, that I didn’t want any part of that world. It felt sketchy, and I didn’t want anything sketchy coming near Indivisible. I wanted to run this with integrity or not at all.
To avoid sketchiness, I embraced honesty. I’m proud of the work we do to organize this grassroots movement to fight MAGA, and because of that, I can be proud -- hell even at times excited -- to brag about what we’re doing and ask for the money that helps us do more of it. We get to be part of a grassroots led, grassroots-funded, pro-democracy movement at a time of growing fascist threats -- and I get to help bring in resources to support it. How cool is that? What an honor to be a small part of the history we’re making together.
So let me try my hand at doing my part. Here are three reasons I’m asking for money:
Basic political reality: We won the 2020 election by the skin of our teeth. Just 44,000 votes spread across just three states deprived Trump of a second term. There are reasons to be more optimistic this year -- MAGA really pissed off voters with Jan 6 and overturning Roe. And there are reasons to be less optimistic -- we’re no longer the insurgent candidate taking on the unpopular and unhinged incumbent. So we don’t know what will happen this year, but it sure looks like it will be close again.
Basic funding reality: At this point in 2020, we had $35,000 more every month in recurring grassroots donations than we’re expecting this February. Recurring donations in an election year are the best. They allow us to fully plan our program -- how many doors we’re gonna knock, how many postcards we’re gonna send, and how many local group actions we can directly support. A bundle of what $35,000 buys looks like this: 30 more reimbursements for local group events, 35,000 more postcards to voters, and 50,000 more texts to voters -- each month from now until November.
Basic impact reality: For Indivisible, less grassroots money means less impact. That’s not marketing -- it’s just math. We don’t take money from corporations or their PACs or politicians. Our single largest source of funds is now and has always been grassroots donors. We’re not socking away any money for a future rainy day. 2024 is that rainy day. If we get more recurring donations, we’ll organize to get more votes. Simple as that.
Here’s where I sneak in the fundraising request. If you also hate the “WE’RE LOSING -- GIVE NOW!!” type emails, if you complain about them like I do, if you want to incentivize a more honest way of supporting pro-democracy work, then here’s the ask: Put your money where your heart is. Reward this type of email -- an honest, level-headed message that doesn’t promise you the world if you give or eternal damnation if you don’t.
Start a monthly donation here, or chip in with a one-time gift.

OK, that’s it. I won’t belabor the point. If you’ve read this far, you know who we are, what we do, and how we move in the world. Regardless of if you’ve been with us forever or you’re new to the movement: Thank you for investing your time, energy, and -- yes -- money into this fight for democracy.
We’re gonna win. We’re going to codify abortion rights. We’re going to pass democracy reform. And we’re gonna dance on Trump’s conviction day. Until then, hope to see you in the streets organizing to bring that reality home.
In solidarity, Ezra
Ezra Levin
Co-Executive Director
Pronouns: He/him