From Air Force Magazine <[email protected]>
Subject Daily Report, March 25: Readiness to Take Hit Due to COVID-19 | Defense Stocks to Take Years to Rebound | U.S. Cuts Funding to Afghanistan
Date March 25, 2020 7:36 AM
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Air Force Magazine
Daily Report for March 25, 2020

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Edited by Amy McCullough with Rachel S. Cohen, Brian W. Everstine, Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory and John A. Tirpak


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DOD on Coronavirus Pandemic: ‘We Will Get Through It’
By Brian W. Everstine

The crisis caused by the new coronavirus outbreak could take months and weaken
military readiness, though that drop is expected to be small, the top military
leaders told service members in an online town hall March 24. Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and USAF
Chief Master Sgt. Ramón Colón-López, the senior enlisted adviser to the
Chairman, took submitted questions from the military community for a
live-streamed town hall. When asked when the outbreak will end and operations
will return to normal, Milley said, “Nobody knows that ... But we will get
through it. It’s not a question of when, we will get through it. And we’ll
pull together as a country and as a military.”

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Analysis: Defense Stocks May Take Years to Recover from COVID-19
By John A. Tirpak

Massive spending to combat the coronavirus pandemic may suppress defense
spending and therefore defense stock prices, which have tanked to the tune of
more than 30 percent in the last month, according to defense and aerospace
analyst Byron Callan of Capital Alpha. Congress may also move to spend more on
the National Guard and refuse to retire old USAF aircraft, he noted. “It’s
going to take a couple of years” for a recovery in defense stocks, said
Callan, who specializes in the defense and aerospace industry. Unlike the
attacks of 9/11, the COVID-19 crisis “touches every American,” he told Air
Force Magazine.

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Empowering Disaster Response and Recovery From Space
When a natural disaster or emergency occur, an immediate and seamless response is necessary to
save lives. Operational and situational awareness becomes increasingly important to responders.
If critical infrastructure is down in the disaster zone, then the systems and networks required for
powering the relief efforts are compromised. Ground operations must look to space to solve their
communication needs. Read the full story.
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National Guard Bureau Tracking 26 COVID-19 Cases
By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory

As of the morning of March 24, the National Guard Bureau is tracking 26 positive
cases of the COVID-19 virus among its personnel, including one in a headquarters
staff member, NGB Chief Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel said. Also as of early
March 24, more than 9,000 Guard personnel have been activated as part of their
states' fights against the new coronavirus, some under Title 32 authority from
the President. However, Lengyel said, “It wouldn’t surprise him” if that
number topped 10,000 “by the afternoon.” Governors and state adjutants
general have informed him of near-term plans to activate “hundreds and
thousands” more personnel to support state-level pandemic response, he added.

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U.S. Cuts Aid to Afghanistan Amid Political Stalemate
By Brian W. Everstine

The U.S. will immediately cut assistance to the government of Afghanistan by $1
billion because of leadership failures at the top ranks in Kabul, with plans to
cut another $1 billion next year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced March
23. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and former Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah
each declared themselves victors of the country’s recent presidential
election, with both men even holding their own inaugurations earlier this month.
Pompeo made an unannounced visit to Kabul on March 23 and tried unsuccessfully
to help the two reach a deal for a government to move forward. “The United
States is disappointed in them and what their conduct means for Afghanistan and
our shared interests,” Pompeo wrote in a statement.

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AEHF-6 Set for Launch Despite Pandemic
By Rachel S. Cohen

The Space Force’s first launch under the National Security Space Launch
program is moving forward, despite the threat of coronavirus, to put the sixth
and final Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite on orbit March 26. By
adding the sixth AEHF satellite, U.S. troops should expect to see more reliable
transmission of data used for real-time video, battlefield maps, and targeting.
It also allows for stronger, more jam-resistant communications between national
leaders like the President and Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is also the second time
a rocket will drop off a secondary payload that is hitching a ride ahead of the
main mission. Brig. Gen. Douglas Schiess, 45th Space Wing commander at Patrick
Air Force Base, Fla., said precautions taken to avoid spreading coronavirus
aren’t expected to affect the mission.

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Radar Sweep


Snapshot: DOD and COVID-19

Here's a look at how the Defense Department is being impacted by and responding
to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Troops Say the U.S. Military is Not Taking COVID-19 Seriously

"This is a telling indicator of leadership failure," said one Army officer.
"Unfortunately, the outcome has about a two week delay."

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Coronavirus Threat Prompts VA Request for Doctors, Nurses to Come Out of Retirement

As the number of coronavirus cases within the Veterans Affairs medical system
continues to climb, department officials are reaching out to retired health care
workers for help.

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White House Launches Supercomputing Consortium to Fight COVID-19

The Trump administration unveiled a new initiative to help researchers worldwide
harness a range of America’s most powerful high-performance supercomputing
resources to deliberately accelerate new discoveries in the fight against
COVID-19. Through the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium, scientists
can tap into 16 of America’s top computing systems.

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Whitley Picked for CAPE Director

President Donald Trump intends to nominate John Whitley to be director of the
Defense Department’s cost assessment and program evaluation office, according
to a White House announcement. Whitley currently serves as assistant secretary
of the Army for financial management and comptroller.

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Air Force Reserve Senior Leader Actions

On March 23, Air Force Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee announced a series
of senior leader actions, including assignment of Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Pennington
as commander of 4th Air Force Headquarters at March Air Reserve Base, Calif.
Pennington currently serves as mobilization assistant to the commander and
president of Air University.

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Marines to Shut Down All Tank Units, Cut Infantry Battalions in Major Overhaul

In the next decade, the Marine Corps will no longer operate tanks or have law
enforcement battalions. It will also have three fewer infantry units and will
shed about 7 percent of its overall force as the service prepares for a
potential face-off with China.

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One More Thing...
Here Is What The Pentagon Is Not Answering About the Air Force and Recent UFO Encounters

The Air Force attempted to answer questions from The Drive, but the Defense
Department official in charge of UFO inquiries didn't share their findings or
anything at all.

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