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Weekend Edition, February 10-11, 2024


The Unexpected

Edward Curtin

Separate Healthcare and the State

Jacob G. Hornberger

Global Economic War Is Coming and the Threat to the US Dollar Is Real

Brandon Smith

Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

John Leake

The US Keeps Bombing People While Saying It Doesn’t Want To Fight

Caitlin Johnstone

Why Medvedev Is Free to Go Full ‘Born to Be Wild’

Pepe Escobar

Introducing Tolkien Fans to the Western Canon

Mary Beth Bowen

Eventful Events

James Howard Kunstler

The Putin Interview

Paul Craig Roberts

No Mo’ ‘Dumb’ Docs!

Capt. Randall

Tucker: The Last American Journalist and a War To Break America

Joseph Sansone, PhD

Financial Big Brother Is Watching You

Matt Taibbi

Political Theatre

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