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Dear John

In case you missed it, the government has launched a new consultation on future homes and building standards.

This is good news. Why? The consultation includes a proposal to make rooftop solar mandatory on most new builds – a major development that could be a huge win for our rooftop solar campaign! Scroll down to find out more and respond.

As well as looking at the future of our homes and buildings, we’ve set out our vision for the future of transport that puts our countryside, communities and climate at its heart. Read more about the oral evidence we gave to the House of Commons Transport Committee below.

Government consultation offers hope for rooftop solar


The government is considering making rooftop solar panels a basic expectation for most new buildings including all new houses, as part of a new consultation. By supporting the proposals for mandatory rooftop solar, we can make significant progress in reaching net zero while protecting our countryside. Find out more below and respond by 6 March.

CPRE gives evidence to determine future of transport


We've long made the case that poor public transport is cutting rural communities off and leaving them behind. Our evidence sets out a new approach which would restore public transport in rural areas, encourage rapid decarbonisation and give us cleaner air – find out more below.

The winners and losers in Michael Gove’s vision for planning


With a revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and shifting legislation, our planning system is undergoing reform. But how does Michael Gove’s vision stack up? And will it deliver for our countryside communities? Read more in a new opinion piece by Jackie Copley, CPRE's Planning Policy Lead.

Imbolc: the quickening of the year


Celebrated on 1 February, Imbolc honours the passing of winter and the return of spring. Writer Eleanor Cheetham shares that it can often feel more difficult to connect with nature at this time of year, but if we look to the returning light and seasonal change, there is hope to be found.

Spring into the season with CPRE membership


As a CPRE member, you'll receive a range of discounts at many gardens nationwide. With spring approaching, what better way to enjoy our countryside than by joining us as a member and discover a garden near you? Upton Wold Gardens is the 'Hidden Garden of the Cotswolds' and was awarded the HHA Judges’ Choice Award 2022. By joining from £5 per month today, you’ll receive 25% off entry.


Best wishes,

Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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