Listen up Friend → Hakeem Jeffries is fighting to EXPAND Social Security benefits for millions of Americans!

Hakeem Jeffries: House Dems will always defend Social Security and Medicare. For. The. People.

Chip in now to help elect Democrats who will SAVE and EXPAND Social Security >>


House Republicans are preparing to make extreme cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits – these programs are crucial for millions of Americans!

That’s why Democrats like Hakeem Jeffries are speaking out in support of EXPANDING Social Security.

So we’re setting a $25,OOO goal to help elect Democrats who will fight to protect and expand Social Security benefits.

If Republicans get their way, Social Security will be CRUSHED and seniors across the nation will be unable to make ends meet. Chip in now to help elect Democrats who will save Social Security >>>

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This is too important to ignore.

Future Democrats

Thank you for supporting Future Democrats, Friend. Our team of passionate Democratic organizers worked around the clock in 2022 to surge the youth vote to historic heights, keeping the blue for Democrats.

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It’s crystal clear: When young voters turnout, Democrats win.

That’s why we started Future Democrats, a for-youth-by-youth organization focused entirely on flipping red seats blue and electing more young Democrats to Congress.

Using a unique blend of digital ads, on-the-ground voter turnout campaigns, and aggressive relational organizing, our team helped elect progressive Democrats like Senator John Fetterman, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Maxwell Frost in 2022.

So now, we’re gearing up to do it again in 2024 to keep Trump, McConnell, and the Republican party in the minority.

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