Dear John

As many of you may already be aware, New Zealand is currently at alert 3, preparing to move to alert 4, by 11.59 pm tonight, 25 March 2020. 

The COVID-19 website has been updated with all the information you need about what to expect after we have moved up an alert level. 

My team and I remain committed to supporting you safely via email and phone. We continue to deal with a large number of queries and topics include essential businesses and services, primary industries and welfare assistance and support to social services providers available. 

My newsletter discusses these in more detail and also lists contact details for the Government Helpline and other agencies involved with COVID-19.

In short, we are going to lockdown for four weeks and we should all stay at home unless you are an essential business or essential worker, performing an essential service.

A national emergency has been declared and you can expect to receive an emergency mobile alert at some point today.

Stay safe and stay at home, if we all play our part and follow the rules we will get through these next four weeks.  Please take the self-isolation deadly seriously.


Hon Louise Upston

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