Words of Wisdom from Student Panelists & Dr. Lisa Damour

Earlier this week, 300 champions of youth well-being gathered to support Challenge Success and soak up Dr. Lisa Damour’s insights into the emotional lives of teenagers. In case you weren’t able to join us in person, here are some nuggets of wisdom from our student panelists and Lisa:

  • Being a teenager today is significantly harder than it was for other generations, and they don’t want to hear us say, “when I was a teenager…” Spare them your stories and listen instead. When in doubt, empathize. And if you must say something, try, “that sounds really tough,” or “that stinks,” and watch how these few words can often be just what they need to hear.

  • Good mental health doesn’t mean being happy all the time. From Dr. Damour’s point of view, we need to help teens understand that being mentally healthy is actually about having the appropriate emotions for the situation – good or bad – and knowing what will help you cope that won’t cause harm to yourself or others.

  • Speaking of social media, is it really hurting our teens? Not necessarily. Silly cat videos, following a favorite band, and connecting online with peers who share interests and identities can be forms of healthy coping. Rather than judging teens for how they use it, let’s partner with them to understand the positives and set healthy boundaries.

  • We all need more sleep, especially teenagers. Prioritizing this basic, yet often overlooked physical need has far-reaching effects on our well-being. Keep technology out of the bedroom and try a time management worksheet to intentionally carve out enough sleep. Model good sleep hygiene by taking care of yourself, too.

Whether you were able to join us in person or not, we hope these wise words from Dr. Damour and our student panelists resonate with you. We were moved by the generosity in the room on Wednesday and have raised $128,000 of our $200,000 goal. If you haven’t yet made a gift, please consider donating today! With your support, we will reach even more school communities with research-based, equity-centered strategies to increase well-being, deepen engagement with learning, and enhance belonging.

Finally, as we begin to plan for future events, we would love to hear your feedback. Please share your ideas for keynote speakers, venues, and more here. We look forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event or on your school campus!

With our deepest gratitude,

The Challenge Success Team


Thank You Sponsors, Host Committee, & Board of Directors!