We’re counting on your continued support to keep winning these fights.

Mark my words, Friend: Gen Z will outlive the NRA.


The Daily Beast recently analyzed the NRA’s tax returns. They aren’t pretty. 


In fact, the pro-gun group’s revenue has been on the decline for years now, especially since Parkland. Last year, their fundraising was at its lowest point since 2008. And since 2018 they have lost over 1 million members. 

I firmly believe that the NRA’s days are numbered—and as their power and influence fade into the dustbin of history, we will replace their corrupt, purchased politicians with a new generation of bold, courageous leaders who aren’t afraid to take urgent, necessary action to stop the scourge of gun violence in America.


I co-founded Leaders We Deserve because Gen Z’s answer to the NRA is electing more and more young people to public office to counter their agenda.

We founded Leaders We Deserve last year to elect the next generation of leadership—and folks across the country are already helping us shatter expectations. 


Not only have tens of thousands of people just like you joined our movement and helped spread the word about our mission, we’ve already elected our very first candidate.


In the days leading up to the November election, we hit the streets in Virginia to knock on doors and get out the vote for Nadarius Clark. Thanks to our supporters’ donations, we were proud to invest more than $100,000 to support Nadarius’s campaign.


When all the ballots were counted, Nadarius won by less than 2,000 votes.


Leaders We Deserve is already playing an integral role in electing the next generation of leaders and we’re counting on your continued support so we can keep winning these fights in 2024. There is too much on the line for us to lose.

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your contribution will go through immediately:

Thank you for your consideration,


David Hogg
Co-founder, Leaders We Deserve

Thank you for being a strong supporter of Future Coalition, Friend!

The historic youth voter turnout of 2020 and 2022 has proven that young people hold power in shaping our political future. Now, our intergenerational team is working 24/7 to amplify youth impact and mobilize record numbers of youth political participation in November.

Our on-the-ground work would not be possible without the support of folks who share our vision of transformative change, powered by young people. We’re gearing up to mobilize millions of youth voters ahead of the November election, and we need your support.

Rush a donation to Future Coalition now to boost youth political participation >>

Paid for by Future Coalition