Vote for public education and working families this March 5 election
Ballots are now out for the March 5 election. As you go review your voter guide, make sure to mark your ballot for candidates and measures that support our public schools and working families.
To help you make your decision, we’ve put together the CFT Educators Choice Voter Guide. The guide contains voting recommendations for state legislative candidates and for local candidates and measures that will appear on your ballot. In addition, the CFT Executive Council has recommended a Yes vote on Proposition1, the mental health bond.
Pictured above: CFT members from UTLA supporting Sade Elhwary for Assembly in Los Angeles.
More resources to celebrate Black History Month
As we continue our celebration of Black History Month, we have more great materials to use in the classroom and to share with family and friends.
To start, check out this CFT Instagram post on the March on Washington in 1963. Though it is often overlooked, one of the main objectives of the march was to fight for fair wages, economic justice, and a good education for all students. And don’t forget to check out this excellent reading list from the AFL-CIO, and this children's book list from the Anti-Defamation League.
More Black History Month materials and resources can be found on the CFT website.
Upcoming online CFT trainings
Ways to engage equity partners in developing a District Equity Plan
Wednesday, February 21: 4:00–5:00 p.m.
This training session will discuss steps you can take to create an equity plan and engage partners (students, staff, and families) in your school district. Through grounding in purpose, reflection, and examining challenges, the session will allow for reflection and discussion. Join us in a learning community and leave with practical strategies to cultivate equitable spaces for school sites. Register here.
A conversation about the Pink Tax
Wednesday, February 28, 2024: 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Starting at birth, from baby toys to clothes, deodorant, car repair, and medicine, products and services geared toward women cost more than those geared toward men. Join us for a courageous conversation about the pink tax. Learn about efforts being made to address this unacceptable practice. Share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for ways that the union can address this hidden and shameful practice of taxing women for being women. Register here.
In Solidarity
CFT supports UC optometrists on the picket line. UC-AFT President Katie Rodger joined members of UPTE-CWA Local 9119 on the picket line at UC Davis this week, in support of their two-day Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) strike. The optometrists from the UC medical centers were striking across the system this week. Details here.
UC and CSU deadline to accept admission offers citing FAFSA delays
Citing FAFSA delays, the University of California and California State University systems announced this week they are extending the May 1 deadline for students to accept their admission offers for fall 2024. UC is extending its deadline to May 15 for first-year students at all undergraduate UC campuses. CSU’s deadline is “no earlier” than May 15 for all of its campuses.
The move by the two university systems follows a three-month delay in releasing the revised FAFSA form earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Education. Read more on the national impacts of the delay in Higher Ed Dive.

Happy Lunar New Year from CFT!