
Yesterday, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans put forward an insufficient coronavirus stimulus package that I could not support.

Their nearly $2 trillion partisan bill was nothing more than a corporate bailout for the largest organizations that ignored the needs of everyday families, small businesses, and workers.

I could not support something that was bad for Montana.

Instead, I have kept working to make sure this stimulus package provides help to the people who need it. We’re still fighting for essential resources for hospitals and health care workers, for protections to make sure companies that receive help actually keep workers on payroll, and transparency and accountability to combat the Administration from doling out billions of dollars to their friends.

We’re getting close to fixing this bill for the better and sending support to those who actually need it. But we don't have a lot of time, so your voice has never been more important than right now.

So, I’m asking you to sign my petition demanding Mitch McConnell accept my changes and pass a coronavirus relief bill that will help everyday families.


Thanks for all you do,
