Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress


I ran for Congress to make meaningful progress for the hardworking folks back home in Central and Southern Illinois, and by cutting through the partisan political noise in Washington and working across the aisle, I’ve done just that.

From bringing $320 million in federal funds back to IL-13 and helping jumpstart infrastructure projects and workforce development, to introducing my first piece of legislation, the LEAP Act, to provide tax credits to small businesses that hire apprenticeship employees to help address the job skills gap — I am proud of the progress of the work we’re doing to create a brighter future for families across the district.

But my #1 goal this year is to get reelected so I can continue building on this work.

From making even more improvements to our infrastructure, securing more protections for veterans, to expanding access to good-paying union jobs — there is more work ahead. And I am ready to push past the partisan games to get it done.

If you’re with me in this fight, please chip in $5 or any amount to support my reelection campaign and keep me fighting through November:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for standing with me.

— Nikki