Dear John,

The nation’s largest labor federation representing some 12 million workers in almost every industry, issued the call for a ceasefire yesterday. The AFL-CIO's statement also demanded that desperately needed food, shelter, medicine, and other assistance be provided to the people of Gaza.

Hear from this morning's edition of Good Morning Revolution about the labor federation's call for peace.

Members of the CPUSA participated in a student walkout at the University of Michigan on Thursday, Feb. 8, in which around 400 students demanded the university divest from Israel. This action happened alongside colleges and universities across the country for a national day of action against Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinian people.

‘Ceasefire’ call rings out in Evergreen State

The Washington State Democratic Party has condemned the U.S. termination of funding for UN relief in Gaza and called for a ceasefire.



Minneapolis City Council overrides Mayor's ceasefire veto

After council's 9-3 vote for a ceasefire on Jan. 25, Mayor Frey vetoed it. Thursday's Feb. 8 vote overrode that veto. The resolution also calls for the release of all Israeli and Palestinian hostages and political prisoners and for ending U.S. aid to Israel.

56 cities have now called for a ceasefire.

Besides Minneapolis, other cities joining the call for peace in the last two weeks include Chicago, Ill.Cambridge, Mass.Somerville, Mass; and Union City, N.J. The Red Lake Nation has also called for a ceasefire.

Faith for Black Lives organizing a Pilgrimage for Peace.

Faith leaders, activists, and artists will march Feb. 14–21 from Independence Hall in Philadelphia to the White House in D.C. to urge President Biden to call for an end to the war in Palestine.


National political support

66 members of Congress, including 5 Senators, have called for a ceasefire or cessation of hostilities. Of those, 18 are co-sponsors of Rep. Cori Bush's resolution. Are your Senators and Reps. signed on? If not, call them today and every day!

State and local electeds

Close to 300 state and local elected officials have urged Biden to immediately call for a permanent ceasefire. Are your local elected officials on the list? If not, tell them to sign on today at

More news on the struggle for peace:

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Please send more reports and pictures showing local party and YCL involvements in the struggle for a ceasefire to [email protected].

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