From Angela Allmond, Oklahoma Democratic Party Communications Director <>
Subject Democrats Respond to the Governor
Date February 9, 2024 8:54 PM
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February 9, 2024 DEM NEWS
[link removed] [[link removed]] Oklahoma Democrats Respond to State of the State
ODP PRESS COVERAGE [[link removed]]
HELP ELECT DEMOCRATS WITH OKLAHOMA CITY, — FEBRUARY 5, 2024 – Governor Kevin Stitt wants to make Oklahoma the business headquarters of the world with corporate welfare and big business incentives at the expense of everyday tax-paying citizens. Stitt calls for: “…not more taxes, but more taxpayers” in his address, putting all the burden on individuals while not increasing taxes on his big business friends. His desire to cut income taxes to zero with no plan to pay for core services already stretched to their limit is reckless and poor management of our state’s economy. Read more... [[link removed]]
[link removed] [[link removed]] [link removed] [[link removed]]
SHOP TODAY [[link removed]] Join the Edmond Democratic Women this Saturday, February 10th, and Sunday, February 11th, at 10:30 a.m. at Schlotzsky’s on Danforth to pair up and canvass for Regan Raff, HD39 Special Election Candidate.
[link removed] [[link removed]] Sign up at [[link removed]] . It’s fun and rewarding to remind voters about the Feb. 13 Election. Oklahoma Democrats have won Special Elections, and we can win this one!
ODP Staff [[link removed]]
Lauren Craig [[link removed]]
405-427-3366 [link removed] [[link removed]]
Interim Executive Director The Oklahoma 2024 Delegate Selection (PPP) Convention takes place on April 6. 2024 at the Ardmore Convention Center in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Agenda and hotel information will be coming soon. Delegates who declare their candidacy by filling out a delegate declaration and pledge support form [[link removed]] are then selected and confirmed by each presidential candidate's representative.
Angela Allmond Selected candidates attend the convention and are, at that time, elected as National delegates by the Oklahoma State 2023 delegate body and then commit to attending the DNC National Convention on August 19-22, 2024, where they will elect our next Democrat Presidential Nominee.
405-536-2412 [link removed] [[link removed]]
Communications Director The Oklahoma Democratic Party calls on interested Democrats to become National Delegates for the 2024 Nationa Convention in Chicago in August.
Kierra Williams Applications are open until March 8, 2024, by 5 p.m.
405-536-2411 There are two types of delegates - District Level and At Large:
Development Associate District-Level delegates are elected through a caucus in each of the five Oklahoma Congressional Districts at the PPP convention held on April 6, 2024.
Upcoming Party Events [[link removed]] At-Large delegates are selected after the District Level elections at the PPP convention held on April 6, 2024.
[link removed] [[link removed]] Learn more about becoming a National Delegate HERE [[link removed]]
PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR DISTRICT, COUNTY, CLUB, & FEDERATION EVENTS Review the Delegate Selection Plan HERE [[link removed]]
[link removed] [[link removed]] Fill out the Delegate Declaration and Pledge Support Form HERE [[link removed]]
Oklahoma State Democratic Party Headquarters CHANGE IS GOOD
3815 N Santa Fe Ave., Suite 122 [link removed] [[link removed]]
Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Looking to ramp up your donation efforts to help candidates and the Party help candidates? You can now turn your spare change into action to help Democrats up and down the ballot with the simple use of the GoodChange app. You can find details at [[link removed]] and sign up now!
Office: 405-427-3366 [link removed] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
Office Hours: M-F 9 a.m.9 5 p.m. Closed for Lunch 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Join Alicia daily at 4:15 p.m. on Facebook [[link removed]] for ODP Updates from The Chair.
Copyright (C) 2024 Oklahoma Democratic Party All rights reserved |[[link removed]] OPEIU Local 381

The Oklahoma Democratic Party
3815 N Santa Fe Ave., Suite 122
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
United States Authorized and Paid for by The Oklahoma Democratic PartyIf you believe you have received this message in error or wish to no longer receive emails from us, please unsubscribe: [link removed] .
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