John --
We hear everyday that this country is
begging for new leaders with new solutions. Decreasing the power of
the 2 major parties is not going to happen overnight, and we've worked
for 2 years to get the opportunities that we have right now.
We have the opportunity to take major
strides this year like becoming a recognized minor party, getting
candidates elected to the state house, and positioning ourselves to
win dozens of local elections in 2025.
But we all need to join in the mission,
and we can't waste a day.
We would love your help with our
donations goal this month. We want to reach a milestone of 100 unique
donors to Forward Party in Pennsylvania. About midway through 2023, we
reached a point organizationally that we could accept donations to our
State Party. Since that time, about 50 different people have donated
and we'd like to ask more people to get involved helping us

We're asking those that have
already given and also those that have not contributed so far to
please join us by giving according to your capacity or in a multiple
of $29 in celebration of Leap Forward Day. These donations will really
help us plan for all the things we hope to do this year to bring
something new to a political system that desperately needs
 Leap day is Thursday February 29th
and we're choosing this day to focus on local organizing. In the next
few months, we need support for candidates or gathering signatures at
polling places, we need people willing to meet the forward supporters
around them. We will be sending out specific invites for these events
as we get closer, so please watch for those and join your local
Forwardists if you can.
Please reach out if you're willing to
host an event or even a local call on Leap Day. We'll take care of
everything, we just need someone to pick a time and place. You can
create the connections we need to succeed.

Pennsylvania Forward Party https://home.forwardparty.com/