From Sue Anne, <>
Subject Your top actions for this week from MomsRising
Date February 9, 2024 7:25 PM
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[ [link removed] ]MomsRising presents: Riser Update
Top Actions
of the Past Week
Friday, February 09, 2024

[ [link removed] ]Immigration_Caregivers_LTE_2024

USE YOUR VOICE! Help celebrate Immigrant Caregivers!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> [ [link removed] ]Sign Now

National Caregivers Day is just days away! And this February 16th we’re
going to lift up immigrant caregivers and remind everyone that immigrants
are critical to our families, our communities, and the economy!

Why now? We’re hearing a lot of anti-immigrant rhetoric and cruel
anti-immigrant measures being proposed in Congress. It’s time to speak up
for the fair treatment of immigrants in our families, workplaces, and

[ [link removed] ]WRITE a letter to the editor about the critical work of immigrant


[ [link removed] ]CTC2024

Tell your Senators: Pass the expanded CTC NOW!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> [ [link removed] ]Sign Now

Exciting news! The U.S. House of Representatives passed a temporary
expansion of the Child Tax Credit last week in an overwhelmingly
bipartisan vote and now we need the U.S. Senate to take action to get this
across the finish line.

[ [link removed] ]SIGN our letter to the U.S. Senate calling on your Senators to vote
“YES” on the bipartisan tax package and expand the Child Tax Credit now!


[ [link removed] ]immigration_evergreen_2024

Show your support for immigrant caregivers!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

Immigrants are our nation’s strength. And as National Caregivers Day
approaches on February 16th, we want to use this opportunity to make sure
members of Congress know how critical immigrant caregivers are in our
communities! SIGN ON and Tell Congress to support immigrant caregivers,
and their communities, with permanent protections!

[ [link removed] ]SIGN ON: Help us protect immigrant caregivers across the country!


[ [link removed] ]CTC_LTE2024

Send a letter to your local paper supporting the Child Tax Credit!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

Help us keep the pressure up on your U.S. Senators! Send a Letter to the
Editor to your local paper calling on the U.S. Senate to pass the
bipartisan expansion of the Child Tax Credit now! (It’s really easy–just
click here and use our cool Letter to the Editor tool to submit your

Why do letters to the editor matter so much right now? It’s a high profile
way to put pressure on your U.S. Senators to vote “yes” on the bipartisan
Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 and temporarily
expand the Child Tax Credit right now. Senators and their staff monitor
what is being said in their local papers. By submitting a letter you are
helping us raise the profile on this very important issue and ringing the
alarm bells that we expect Congress to pass this bill as soon as possible.

[ [link removed] ]**Using our easy Letter to the Editor tool, send a letter to your
local paper now telling your U.S. Senators to pass the expansion of the
Child Tax Credit immediately!

P.S.– This content is also on the [ [link removed] ]MomsRising blog!


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