Dear John,
Well, I certainly wish I could stop writing to you with the update that it was a chaotic week in DC. You know, I thought I’d seen it all – but this week took the cake.
The only way anything gets done in DC is through compromise. And that’s how I think it should be. Our country is strongest when we work with each other – not against each other.
There is a crisis happening at our southern border. Congress has a responsibility to secure the border and stop the flow of illicit fentanyl into our country. On Sunday, after months of good faith negotiations, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate produced a bipartisan effort to address many of the issues facing our nation at the border.
That deal was endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council who represents Customs and Border Protection Officers, would prioritize national security and stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States.
The border crisis is real. We have to act quickly to solve these issues. But instead of talking through this border package and the ways we can actually work on the border crisis, House GOP leaders refused to even entertain a vote on this package, and Senate Republicans voted against it. That is reckless, irresponsible behavior.
We need leaders who will work together to solve the real problems facing our country – not play politics with a crisis of such magnitude. I’ll keep urging Speaker Johnson to bring a bipartisan bill to the floor that will restore order at the border.
Here's what else I was up to this week:
Connecting with MN-02 educational leaders
St. Olaf College President Susan Rundell Singer and Carleton College President Alison Byerly stopped by my DC office to discuss how we can work together to make post-secondary education more affordable and accessible to every Minnesotan.
Advocating for accessible, affordable health care
This week, I was honored to receive the Debbie’s Dream Foundation’s Congressional Champion Award for our work to support those diagnosed with stomach cancer – a disease that my great-grandmother faced as well.
I’m working to ensure Americans can access the reliable and affordable health care they deserve.

Working to support Minnesota’s law enforcement community
I met with AFGE correctional officers from Federal Medical Center Rochester to have a productive discussion on how we can work together to ensure federal correctional officers receive the support they need as they work to keep our communities safe.
Great to see you all in DC!
Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:
Around the Capitol building here in DC, every state is able to select two statues to honor an important figure from their state’s history. I wanted to show you one of Minnesota’s this week.
This statue of Maria L. Sanford, a beloved University of Minnesota professor and one of the first women in the United States to become a professor, can be found in the Capitol Visitor’s Center right when you enter the Capitol. Check it out!

I’ll also add that I always love welcoming Minnesotans to DC! So, if you are ever in DC and are interested in a tour of the Capitol – call my office! We’d be happy to help set one up for you and your family.
That wraps up my update this week! Have a wonderful weekend.
Until next week,
Angie Craig
Member of Congress