For the updates on COVID-19 from the City of New York, call 1-888-364-3065 or text COVID to 692-692 to receive updates.


As I’ve checked in on my family, friends, and neighbors during the COVID-19 crisis, I’ve heard stories of folks who are worried about paying their bills, struggling to find childcare, anxious about elderly relatives who can’t afford to stay home, and people experiencing homelessness who have nowhere to go.

Friends, I want to hear how COVID-19 is impacting you, your family, and your community, and what you need from your elected leaders at this moment. So I’ve opened a public forum where you can send me your thoughts and concerns regarding this public health emergency and our government’s response. Will you take a moment to let me know how you’re doing?


I’ve been working around the clock with my colleagues in Congress to mitigate the impact of this crisis. Last week, we passed two bipartisan emergency relief packages to provide free COVID-19 testing and paid leave, expand food assistance, extend unemployment insurance, fund research into a vaccine, and support state and local agencies, who are our frontline responders in this crisis.

In the weeks ahead, we’re hoping to pass another round of relief aimed specifically at the financial burden this crisis is having on everyday Americans. However, I will not let this crisis turn taxpayer dollars into handouts for billionaires and major corporations. I will reject any bill that does not address the interests of everyday Americans and small businesses.

That being said — I understand that despite all the steps being taken, you may still be experiencing anxiety around COVID-19 and the effect it will have on your family and community. I ask you to please take a few minutes to share your concerns with me, so that I can continue to advocate for you in Congress as we work to address this crisis.


Thanks for sharing your voice. I’ll check in soon.

-- Yvette

Because of COVID-19, Team Clarke has moved its entire voter outreach program online — a necessary but expensive endeavor. 

We're hoping that — if you can — you’d consider making a contribution of $5, $10, or whatever you can to help us adapt to the current political landscape. Thank you.




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