
Dear Friend,

Losar Tashi Delek to all our community members who celebrate the Lunar New Year! We wish everyone a year of prosperity, good health, joy, peace, and a powerful community. 


At Adhikaar, we are proud to be the country’s only worker and community center dedicated to serving and mobilizing Nepali-speaking communities from Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, India, and Myanmar. Together, we empower immigrants and workers through grassroots organizing and building political power. 


As we reflect on 2023, we’re excited to share some highlights from the last three quarters through our quarterly newsletter - all of which were led by our incredible collective of members and leaders.


We had a monumental win in January - after seven years of organizing and campaigning by our Domestic Worker staff, members, and leaders, we finally passed the New Jersey Domestic Workers Bill of Rights! Our team was present as Governor Murphy signed the bill into law on January 12, 2024, which will protect over 50,000 Domestic Workers in NJ. [Read more…]

In December, Adhikaar’s Nail Salon member leaders along with New York Healthy Nail Salon Coalition partners convened together to reflect on our strategies and actions from 2023 for the passage of the Nail Salon Minimum Standards Council Act as part of our #AllHandsIn campaign and also planned new strategies and activities for the new legislative session in 2024. [Read more…]

We are very proud of nine of our citizenship class students who passed the citizenship test and became new U.S. citizens this last quarter. Our adult literacy program focuses on enhancing our community members who have limited literacy and have limited English proficiency. [Read more…]

In the last city and state elections, we supported our members with voting plans, including locating their poll site and registering for postal ballots. We also supported members (including our new citizen members!) with voter registration and did community outreach where we shared the APA VOICE Voter Guide translated into Nepali. [Read more…]


This year, we’re already deepening and expanding our work as our community continues to rapidly grow and mature. Can we count on you to provide the support we need?

In solidarity,

The Adhikaar team


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