Patriot, Yesterday, after I sent out my email asking you to call your U.S. Representative about Section 702 reform and renewal, I called my own representative, and I also called Speaker Mike Johnson’s office. Based on the response from Johnson’s office, the phones must be ringing. And we need to keep them ringing! The staff member was keenly aware of the bills. And while he wouldn’t share what the Speaker is thinking, you and I need to let him know what we think about the phony FISA Reform Act (H.R. 6611). A “compromise” bill just won’t cut it! Call Speaker Johnson now at 202-225-4000 and DEMAND he restore our Fourth Amendment rights and get behind The Protect Liberty Act, H.R. 6570. We expect a vote next week. You and I need to make sure Speaker Johnson hears us loud and clear. Please call Speaker Johnson now at
202-225-4000 and tell him no compromise on
protecting the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution! For liberty, John McCardell ---------------------------------- Forwarded message: Patriot, We warned you last week about House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) plan to put a mass surveillance bill on the House floor in February. New reports describe the emerging bill as a “modified [House Intelligence Committee] bill”. . . and Johnson is pushing to bring it to the floor NEXT WEEK. This means he is throwing his weight behind the Deep State Surveillance Bill, which originated in the Intelligence Committee, as opposed to the Protect Liberty Act passed by the House Judiciary Committee. Incredibly, House Speaker Mike Johnson appears to have betrayed us on yet another issue by actively pressing the Intelligence Committee’s Deep State Surveillance bill. That’s why it’s critical you call your U.S. Representative right away at 202-224-3121 and demand he or she oppose the deceptively named FISA Reform Act. Tell your representative to insist Johnson bring H.R. 6570, the Protect Liberty Act, to the floor with NO changes instead. Click here to find your U.S. Representative. Then, if you have time, call Speaker Johnson at 202-225-4000 and DEMAND he restore our Fourth Amendment rights and get behind H.R. 6570. Time is short. Please make your calls RIGHT AWAY. The Protect Liberty Act (H.R. 6570) would END warrantless surveillance of Americans under Section 702 of FISA and BAN government bureaucrats from getting around the Fourth Amendment by using YOUR money to purchase your data. The deceptively named FISA Reform Act (H.R. 6611) renews and even EXPANDS unconstitutional 702 spying! This is a black-and-white issue. Section 702 has been abused MILLIONS of times and continues to be abused by the FBI. The Surveillance State has proven it cannot follow the Constitution. There can be no compromise between the Judiciary Committee’s bill to restore our rights and the Intelligence Committee’s bill to further degrade them. We need phones ringing, ASAP! So call your U.S. Representative at 202-224-3121 and demand he or she oppose the deceptively named FISA Reform Act and insist Johnson bring H.R. 6570, the Protect Liberty Act, to the floor with NO changes instead. Click here to find your U.S. Representative. Then, if you have time, call Speaker Johnson at 202-225-4000 and DEMAND he restore our Fourth Amendment rights
and get behind H.R. 6570. Remember: they’re your lawmakers, and they’re failing you. Don’t be afraid to give them a well-deserved earful! Politicians really do care about their political futures, which means they care what their constituents think. Don’t be silent. Make your voice heard! Then, if at all possible, make an EMERGENCY contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us mobilize more patriots RIGHT NOW. Time is short, but with your support, we can reach even more people and generate even more calls and petitions to Congress before it’s too late. Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Don’t be silent in the face of government spying. Call your U.S. Representative at 202-224-3121 and demand he or she oppose the deceptively named FISA Reform Act and insist Johnson bring H.R. 6570, the Protect Liberty Act, to the floor with NO changes instead. Click here to find your U.S. Representative. Then, if you have time, call Speaker Johnson at 202-225-4000 and DEMAND he restore our Fourth Amendment rights and get behind H.R. 6570. Then, if you can, please make your EMERGENCY contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us in this critical moment! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to
promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |