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We have big news!

Because of YOU, we raised almost $65,000 in the first 75 days of 2020. That's more than we've ever raised in one period and means we've raised over $100,000 total.

This is huge. Our campaign has momentum and we're showing our opponent that Montanans believe every child deserves a quality public education.

Unfortunately, my opponent has now put a total of $35,000 of her own personal wealth into her campaign fund.
Our team is doing things differently. We believe the power of this campaign comes from you, and you have helped us prove that with our record breaking fundraising period.

Can you contribute $20 today to help us keep our momentum going?
Let's show my opponent this race can't be bought. Please join my campaign today and help me restore leadership to the Office of Public Instruction.

Thank you for your support,
P.S. I know times are hard for many of us and I understand if you can't donate right now. I hope you'll continue to follow my campaign while you take care of yourself and your family.
Paid for By
Romano for Montana, Democrat
PO Box 6985, Helena, MT 59604
Karen Moses, Treasurer

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