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Mark Levin DROPS THE HAMMER on the weak Senate Border Bill:

“THE SCREW AMERICA BILL. How many Democrats and media propagandists who support this monstrous bill have actually read it? I just finished going through it and it is far worse than even I imagined... They try to sneak things through, including granting the DC courts jurisdiction over immigration matters – that would be the leftist judges in Washington.”


This bill allows MILLIONS of illegal immigrants to cross our border every year, grants automatic work permits to asylum seekers, and does NOTHING to actually secure our border.

Any border bill that encourages illegal immigration should go down in flames. That’s why we’re calling for a UNIVERSAL declaration from Conservatives everywhere to bring down this bill once and for all.

Joe Biden and the open-border Democrats are fully responsible for the border crisis. This Senate Bill doesn’t include any serious ways to fix it. It would do NOTHING to end catch-and-release, NOTHING to force Biden’s hand to slash illegal immigration, and NOTHING to finish The Wall.  

Thankfully, Majority Leader Steve Scalise issued a blistering statement saying he won’t even bring it up for a vote in the House.

If you agree the weak Senate Bill should NEVER become the law of the land, we’re respectfully asking for your signature right now. We set a goal of reaching ONE MILLION signatures on our petition before any official vote.

If we can meet this goal, we’ll send a clear message to Joe Biden and the Democrat-led Senate: Any weak deal that doesn’t actually secure the border is dead in the water.
We look forward to seeing your name.

– House GOP


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