Our clever solution to a bad problem
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Downsize DC's "Write the Laws Act" would end bureaucratic "lawmaking" Retweet
Note: This is the last Downsizer-Dispatch. We're switching vendors and building a new website (coming soon). Right now, we're beta-testing and "warming up" the new newsletter system. We're also launching a radically fresh strategy. We'll tell you about that next week.
Today's action: Tell your representatives to introduce Downsize DC's Write the Laws Act.
Executive Branch agencies impose thousands of rules on you, none of which Congress wrote, read, debated, or approved. This clearly violates the constitutional "separation of powers." 
Downsize DC's "Write the Laws Act" (WTLA) will fix that problem by requiring that...
- Every rule imposed on you must be written and passed solely by Congress, with no details left to bureaucrats. No more legislation without representation!
- You must be held blameless against any "rules" created in violation of this requirement. If you find yourself in court, the judge is directed and empowered to kick the case out with impunity.
- Previous grants of legislative power to bureaucrats are automatically repealed unless they are identified and approved by a vote of the Legislative Branch.
Tell your reps to...
Introduce WTLA
We've had it introduced in the Senate a few times before and in the House once before. Now, we're seeking a new sponsor. Help make that happen!
For the last time I say, thank you for being a member of the Downsize DC Army,
Jim Babka, President
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