Today, the Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments to decide whether Trump’s incitement of insurrection can keep him off the ballot. 

As DASS Chair Jena Griswold said earlier today, “we are a nation of laws, under which we should all be treated equally. Today’s oral argument before the Supreme Court was a historic moment in our country’s history.”

We don’t know what the final outcome of this trial will be, but we know this: whether Trump is on the ballot or not, our Democratic Secretaries of State will continue to protect our democracy - at all costs. 

That means defending access to the ballot box, registering voters regardless of their political affiliation, fighting back against misinformation, and so much more that ensures the foundation of our democratic principles remains steadfast. 

Defending democracy is a constant (and expensive!) effort. But it’s worth fighting for. If you’re with, us can you make a donation today?

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Thank you,

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS)