Dear John,

January was Human Trafficking Awareness month, and sometimes that can feel more like a source of overwhelm than a source of joy. It can feel like we're spreading awareness of this dark problem without a practical solution or a clear call to action. The truth is that there is already a proven solution that is transforming the lives of victims around the globe, and a way you can be part of it.

Watch this video from CEO of Human Trafficking Institute, Victor Boutros, to learn more about the impact Human Trafficking Institute is making through our proven model, and how you play a crucial role in this movement. 

Our Justice Partner community is the lifeblood of our work. These individuals bring justice for survivors, help prosecute traffickers and make a lasting impact for generations to come.

We want to invite you to be a part of this impact by becoming a Justice Partner today. Your commitment will stop even more traffickers and protect more victims. Will you join us? 

Become a Justice Partner

We are thankful for your continued support as we work together to decimate trafficking around the globe. 


The Human Trafficking Institute Team
Thanks for being a part of our community.

Want to get involved in the movement to decimate trafficking?

Questions? Comments? Email [email protected].

Human Trafficking Institute
712 H Street, NE
Suite 1651
Washington, DC 20002

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