Hello, I’m reaching out to you today to explain something about the state of our campaign right now and what’s at stake in this election.

The world is facing an unprecedented public health emergency. It’s impacting every facet of American society.

For our campaign, it’s meant canceling all in-person events, including our fundraisers. That means moving forward, we’ll have to run a different kind of campaign. But we’re still running for the same reasons, and with the same message.

We need elected leaders who come together to get things done. Who put people first. That’s how we led the recovery from the Great Recession here in Colorado, and it’s how we’ll fight the COVID-19 pandemic. And I’ll be honest, I’m not seeing a whole lot of that from Washington politicians right now.

If you believe our country needs to come out of our partisan corners and get to work on the critical issues that impact all of us, I’m asking you to contribute to our campaign and help us flip this Senate seat blue.

Let me be clear, though, I only want you to pitch in if you are financially able to. I really mean that, friend.

If you are financially able, please make a contribution to our campaign today. Anything you’re able to pitch in will help us flip this Senate seat and get our government working for the people again:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We are not living through normal times, it would be wrong to say otherwise. But by staying engaged, raising your voice, and opening emails like this one, you’re showing you believe in the future we can build together, and you’re willing to fight for it.

Thank you for all you do. Stay safe.

— John

P.S. We know this is a difficult time, so please take care of yourself and your loved ones and only pitch in if you can afford to do so. To pause our emails until this public health emergency has passed, fill out this form.