Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility

Hello Friend,


Are you ready for it? In advance of the highly anticipated commercials this weekend (and some football, too!), we at wanted to share some reminders on how you can celebrate responsibly. Whether you’re in it for the football, the halftime show, or the possible pop star sightings, make sure to follow these tips to make safety the MVP. The game may be in Vegas, but never gamble when it comes to responsibility.


Fuel up with a meal before you drink.


And if you are hosting, make sure you provide a winning spread for your guests or ask them to bring something to share.

Live in your hydration era!


Have beverage options on hand for everyone. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and consider offering a no-alcohol cocktail for those who are choosing not to drink or who might be riding the bench today so they can feel included, too.

If you are the away team, make sure to plan for a safe ride home.


Never, ever drive drunk or impaired. Make sure to plan for a ride share, appoint a designated driver (or volunteer to be the DD), or take public transport.


Intercept any impaired friends from getting behind the wheel.

Know your limits!


Not every drink contains the same amount of alcohol. Make sure you know how much you're actually drinking.


A standard drink—whether it’s a 12 oz beer, a cocktail containing 1.5 oz of spirits, or 5 oz of wine—contains the same amount of alcohol.


Before you head out, check out our Virtual Bar app to safely see how alcohol will affect you.

Huddle up!


The 2023 Monitoring the Future study found that alcohol consumption among America’s teens is at or near record low levels and below pre-pandemic prevalence rates. Most kids don’t drink, this is great news!


Tackle that conversation with your kids about saying “NO” to underage drinking; be a responsible team captain and model responsible behaviors—especially when it comes to drinking.


And of course, never serve or supply alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age.

Respect boundaries


Never pressure anyone to consume alcohol. If your teammate refuses a drink – no matter the reason – respect their decision.


Whether you choose to drink or not, follow these tips to have a winning weekend and celebrate responsibly.


-The Team leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision-making regarding beverage alcohol.

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