Dear Friend,

Nancy Pelosi is putting her radical agenda ahead of working Americans.

We should have already sent the next emergency relief bill to President Trump for him to sign into law.

But Democrats, in their own words, have decided that “this is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” 

They want to exploit this crisis and spend billions of dollars on all kinds of liberal government programs completely unrelated to our response to the Coronavirus. 

Instead of helping those in need, they want to send more tax credits to solar and wind energy companies. 

They want to increase fuel emissions standards for the airline industry, and give federal employee unions more collective bargaining power. 

Republicans are trying to get money into the hands of working families and small businesses as soon as possible.

We’re trying to save jobs and make sure that our country weathers this storm.

We can debate these other issues that Democrats are trying to push when this is over.

Now is not the time to do anything other than stopping the Coronavirus and helping the American people.

Team Barr