John, what happens when a family can’t make ends meet?
They’re forced to make impossible choices.
Rent or running water? Heating or health care? Gas or groceries?
Devastating poverty like this isn’t inevitable – it’s a policy choice. To make long-lasting, wide-reaching impact, we need lawmakers’ support. But first, we have to get their attention.
John, your compassion powers the change we make for children. Donations help us rally more advocates – so our message makes it all the way to Capitol Hill.
With support from changemakers like you, we can keep pushing for policies like the Child Tax Credit (CTC).
Expanding the CTC would be a massive step toward a future without impossible choices. It’d help parents afford essentials like safe housing, hygiene supplies and nutritious food – lifting 500,000 kids out of poverty by 2025.
That’s just one of the ways your donation makes a difference, John. More voices and resources means more lives changed. So please, give what you can.
Thanks for supporting our work, today and always.