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You heard it here, folks!
Indivisible Action and Indivisible One New Jersey are endorsing Congressman Andy Kim for a US Senate seat.

When Sen. Menendez was indicted on bribery charges, Andy Kim stood up the next day, threw his hat in the ring, and said, “New Jersey deserves better.” New Jersey Indivisible groups stood up right alongside him and immediately began mobilizing to bring integrity back to New Jersey’s Senate seat. They voted to endorse, and we’re bringing that endorsement to the full network.
Want to be among the first to hear about our plans for the 2024 election year? Register for our National Campaigns Call next Thursday, February 15 at 8pm ET/5pm PT.
Who is Andy Kim?
Andy Kim would be the first Asian American to represent New Jersey in the Senate. He is one of the only Democrats to be elected (and re-elected) in a Trump-won congressional district, and he managed to do so while standing behind his values as a staunch fighter against corporate greed, supporter of reproductive freedom, and defender of our democracy. He’s genuine, earnest, and actually listens to what his constituents have to say.
Not only that, but on a call with New Jersey Indivisibles, he committed to voting to end the filibuster if elected, so Democrats can really get to work.
And while his opponent is gathering big donor checks from CEOs and special interests, Andy is funding his campaign through the grassroots, with 92% of his campaign contributions under $100. That’s translating to a winning strategy -- in the first independent poll of this race, Andy is ahead of his opponent by a whopping 12 points.
What comes next?
An endorsement means that we will be offering a suite of resources and support to the over 1,400 Indivisibles in New Jersey who will be working to elect Kim. They’ll be phonebanking, canvassing, postcarding, and doing everything else in their power to get out the vote for Andy Kim.
What can you do to help?
- Sign up for our first phonebank of the 2024 election cycle on Thursday, February 22 at 7pm ET/4pm PT to get people excited about Andy’s candidacy. 2024 just started, but we’re hitting the ground running. Voter contact in these early stages is crucial to increasing candidate name recognition. Let’s get Andy elected.
- Register for our first National Campaigns Call of the new year next Thursday, February 15 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Come get a preview of our 2024 strategy alongside Indivisibles from across the country. We’ll take some time to learn about the tools, tactics, and messaging that are going to make sure we win in November. And, if we’re lucky, we just might be joined by a special guest.
- If you’re able, donate to Indivisible Action today. We understand that not everyone can contribute and that’s why we have other ways to participate. But if you can, your dollars are what allow us to run our phonebanks, set up canvassing campaigns, send postcards, and do all of the legwork that wins elections. Anything you can give will help.
Andy Kim is the first, but not the last, Indivisible-endorsed candidate this cycle. We’re so excited to be able to stand behind a candidate with a track record of three congressional terms exemplifying integrity, hard work, and progressive values. We hope you’ll join us in working to get him elected so that we can win a true trifecta, end the filibuster, and codify reproductive rights for all.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team