China threat underestimated, utopian pacifism, the rigged senate border bill, and more...


As worrying as this report is—it almost certainly underestimates the threat posed by China.

The Defense Department’s latest annual China Military Power Report gets a lot right. It accurately identifies the scope of China’s global ambitions and many of the structural changes being implemented by Xi Jinping to make China the preeminent military power in Asia and the Pacific. Even so, the report appears to undersell the threat posed by China and what will be required from the U.S. to counter it.



Shea Bradley-Farrell contributor to American Greatness: Although senators are being pressured to agree to this deal without the opportunity to read, review, or amend its text, a few “bullet points” have been leaked. From these it is clear the deal is not designed to close the border, but to deceptively strengthen Biden’s open border “policies.”

Former President Trump in a Truth Social post: “Only a fool, or a Radical Left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous Border Bill, which only gives Shutdown Authority after 5000 Encounters a day, when we already have the right to CLOSE THE BORDER NOW, which must be done.”

Tucker Carlson episode: Bret Weinstein at the Darien Gap: Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.”

Lee Goldstein contributor to American Thinker: The intentional spreading of infectious diseases can be motivated to induce the U.S. into joining the UN pandemic treaty. Apart from Democrats, some NGOs guiding the flow of illegal migrants are very hostile to the U.S.  They can easily select infected individuals and small groups and induce them to move into the U.S.

Peachy Keenan post: Catholic Charities and the other “Christian” and religious NGOs are lethal enemies of the state and should be treated the way we treat nations that fund terrorism.



The Abortion Access Amendment Is Getting Most Of Its Funding From Outside Arizona

It’s bad enough that the abortion lobby is fully committed to its disturbing agenda to enshrine abortion up until birth in the Arizona Constitution. But now, it appears, that the overwhelming majority of the funding to get this measure on our ballot in November isn’t even coming from within our state.

On Utopian Pacifism

If you ever entertained this utopian idea, “They should just take all the guns away”—ask yourself, “Who is they”? Who makes them give up their guns? Should we just leave “them” armed because the police are so good? And how would mass disarmament be enforced against armed people? That delicate balance of power between armed “officials” and an armed public is what created the freest nation ever known.

Nothing About The Rigged Senate Border Bill Is In The ‘National Interest’

Can you imagine Senate Democrats ever supporting a bill that gave President Donald Trump the power to temporarily ignore provisions he didn’t believe were in the “national interest”? Of course not. Yet one of the most conspicuous parts of the new bipartisan border bill allows Joe Biden to do just that.



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