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Why Are Red State Republicans Often Such Losers?

Kurt Schlichter

Tired of Losing

Spencer Brown

Joe Needs Visiting Angels, Not A Second Term

Derek Hunter

Is AI Coming for Your Job?

John Stossel

Tucker & Putin vs. Media

Brad Slager

Impeach Him Again

Ann Coulter

Trump Leads Biden Big in North Carolina, but RFK Stalks

Steve Cortes

Limiting Lawbreakers Is Still Lawbreaking

Cal Thomas

Error Alone Needs Government, Part Two

Mark Lewis

Did a Dem Senator Just Say the Quiet Part Out Loud About Illegal Immigration?

Matt Vespa

Does the Latest Biden Gaffe Point to a Serious Mental Degeneration Crisis?

Matt Vespa

Nikki Haley's Explanation for Her Crushing Nevada Loss Is Pathetic

Matt Vespa

CNN Quietly Admits Mental Decline Has Forced Biden Into Hiding After Denying Super Bowl Interview

Sarah Arnold

Joe Biden Is Killing the Democratic Party With Black and Hispanic Voters

Matt Vespa

Here's How Alex Mooney Sees a Path to Victory for WV Senate Seat

Rebecca Downs

Rashida Tlaib Hurls Outrageous Smear at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Matt Vespa

Trump Called 'Racist' for Saying 'Invasion' -- Is it Still Racist When Sharpton Says It?

Larry Elder

Are You a Contagious Conservative?

Terry Paulson

Guilt-Tripping Our Way to Self-Destruction

Laura Hollis

The CFPB Is Putting Our Banking Arrangements at Risk

Veronique de Rugy

Congress and Courts Enable Energy and Climate Fantasy and Tyranny

Paul Driessen

Run ‘Em Out of Town on a Rail! The Disqualification of Politicians

Tom Copeland

Biden’s LNG Blunder

Kristen Walker

Democrat Party’s Embrace of Union Tactics Emboldens Corruption

Tom Hebert

What Would Happen If American Aid to Israel Stopped?

Alan Joseph Bauer

Dueling Cowboys at Eagle Pass

Armstrong Williams

First Illegal Migrants In NY Get Prepaid Credit Cards, Now They Get American Jobs

Sarah Arnold

BREAKING: There's an Update in the Special Counsel Investigation Against Joe Biden

Katie Pavlich

Biden Admits Senate 'Border Security' Bill Is a Precursor to Amnesty for Millions of Illegals

Sarah Arnold

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
The Worst Argument Against Armed Teachers Ever |
Washington Post: Guns AREN'T Leading Cause of Death for Kids |
NY SAFE Act Chronicles Part 4: Bias and Reporting Uncovered in Email String |
College Professor Claims Gun Rights Have Brought Tyranny |
Trump Challenges Biden to a Debate, Biden Gives Weak Response |
Alabama Man Wanted for Violating Order of Protection Shot After Invading Home |