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** Interested in MPs' interests?
** February 2024
A transparent house (get it?)
** Easier access to the Register of Interests
Who is giving what to which MPs? An important question, and one we might rightly want to keep our eyes upon.
Enter the Register of Interests, the official record of MPs' second jobs and outside interests.
Unfortunately, though, the way it's currently published doesn't encourage analysis of the data. So we've made it easier. Read more in this blog post ([link removed]) .
** TheyWorkForYou and foodbanks
Give Food, the foodbank charity, wishes they didn't have to exist. But while they're needed, they're here — and using our services to good effect.
Read our short interview ([link removed]) with founder Jason Cartwright to discover how TheyWorkForYou's alerts service boosts their campaigning and advocacy.
** TICTeC: the time to act is now!
TICTeC 2024 12 and 13 June in London
Would you rather be speaking or listening? Either way, now's the time to secure your place at TICTeC.
Whether you've got something to present, or want to sit back and learn from those who do, you're more than welcome to join us in London this summer. Find out what we're looking for in the call for proposals ([link removed]) ... and book your place now ([link removed]) .
TICTeC tends to sell out, so we advise you not to wait too long! Plus, book now to benefit from earlybird prices.
** FixMyStreet data: it's a hole thing
Yellow tape with the word 'CAUTION printed on it
We've seen a spate of national news stories over the last few days, ranking the "worst cities for potholes" and citing FixMyStreet as the data source.
And while we understand the interest, you can't really get meaningful statistics with the approach taken; it's much more complex than that. We've explained the nuances here ([link removed]) .
** Your donations help us run projects like these
If you're reading this newsletter, the chances are that you see the value in mySociety's work — thank you.
Donations are part of what makes that possible, so if you're able, please consider making a contribution today.
Donate now ([link removed])
** Telling stories with FOI data
woman typing at a laptop
Coming up on February 21: our next seminar on how to use Freedom of Information effectively.
This time, discover how journalists, researchers, and activists use FOI data to uncover hidden stories and hold institutions accountable. Learn practical tips and techniques to make sense of complex datasets and turn them into compelling narratives.
These online events are free of charge for organisations campaigning for social change. If you fit that description, please sign up via Eventbrite here ([link removed]) .
** Missed the first seminar in the series?
Not a problem — you can catch up with the video of Getting the most from FOI ([link removed]) .
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** Data to help climate campaigns
We may not yet know precisely when, but a general election looms.
If you're from an organisation that will be campaigning around the environment, you'll want to sign up to this webinar ([link removed]) on February 29, and discover new data and tools that will ensure you have the facts at your fingertips.
** What we're reading (and listening to)
* The Hansard Society crunches data on the amount of time MPs are speaking ([link removed]) .
* A deep dive from the Guardian into the effects of unkempt streets ([link removed]) .
* This Easter, why not visit ([link removed]) the State Apartments of the Speaker's House?
* A bold new approach ([link removed]) to the never-ending firehose of online content.
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mySociety is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) and a limited company (03277032).
Through our trading subsidiary SocietyWorks (05798215) we also provide commercial services.
Image credits: Transparent house - ** Wilhelm Gunkel ([link removed])
; Foodbanks - ** FeydHuxtable ([link removed])
(CC0, via Wikimedia Commons); Caution tape - ** Jessica Tan ([link removed])
; Person at laptop - ** Christina at wocintech ([link removed])
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