There are huge updates in Adam Frisch’s campaign for Congress in Colorado.


There are huge updates in Adam Frisch’s campaign for Congress in Colorado.

FIRST: Adam Frisch nearly defeated Lauren Boebert in 2022. He lost by just 546 votes – the closest race in the entire country.

THEN: After outraising her again and again, Adam drove Lauren Boebert out of the district because she was so afraid of losing to him!

BUT NOW: Adam’s new potential Republican opponents include an election-denier who was at the Capitol on January 6th – and even Lauren Boebert’s current district director is rumored to run!

Without Boebert to run against, this race just got a lot harder. But we cannot afford to lose – this is a must-win seat.

We’ve set a goal of raising another $50,000 to ensure Adam can fight back against the Super PAC lies, but the only way we’ll win this critical seat is if grassroots donors like you give right now:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford – to help Adam Frisch win this critical seat and replace Lauren Boebert in Congress? Adam’s not taking money from corporate PACs, so every dollar matters.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

This next stage of the campaign is going to be difficult, but we cannot afford to lose this seat – or let Lauren Boebert be replaced with another extremist.

Thank you for all you do,

Team Frisch